
Search query: missouri

Convoluted CA Presidential Primary Rules Add to Vote Count Nightmare
Convoluted CA Presidential Primary Rules Add to Vote Count Nightmare
It didn’t take long for the presidential landscape to radically shift following a monumental Super Tuesday. Yet, despite the departure of the richest person to run for president in modern US hist...
Can't Argue With Science: MIT Study Supports Growing Demands to Unrig US Elections
Can't Argue With Science: MIT Study Supports Growing Demands to Unrig US Elections
The beginning of the 2020 presidential election was an unmitigated disaster. Results that should have been reported the night-of in Iowa instead took days as a result of technical issues with an app a...
Ranked Choice Voting Is Under Attack
Ranked Choice Voting Is Under Attack
Ranked choice voting, an alternative ballot method, has been under attack by the press. Unlike the traditional “pick one” ballot used in most U.S. elections, ranked choice ballots allow voters to rank...
Ranked Choice Voting Is Under Attack
Ranked Choice Voting Is Under Attack
Ranked choice voting, an alternative ballot method, has been under attack by the press. Unlike the traditional “pick one” ballot used in most U.S. elections, ranked choice ballots allow voters to rank the candidates in order of preference.
OPINION: Corporate Citizenship Starts with not Undermining Our Democracy
OPINION: Corporate Citizenship Starts with not Undermining Our Democracy
When a Facebook post launched a mass movement to stop self-serving legislators from drawing their own districts in Michigan in 2018, organizers knew they would face stiff opposition from incumbents be...
6 Big Fights Against Voter Suppression That Neither Party Wants You To Know About
6 Big Fights Against Voter Suppression That Neither Party Wants You To Know About
There is one important truth about the state of US politics, and that is an increasing number of Americans understand that the system is rigged to put the interests of two private political parties an...
Disappointing, But Not Unexpected: Court Leaves Gerrymandering Reform to States; So Let’s Get to Work
Disappointing, But Not Unexpected: Court Leaves Gerrymandering Reform to States; So Let’s Get to Work
The Supreme Court’s decision to punt on partisan gerrymandering (RUCHO ET AL. v. COMMON CAUSE ET AL.) was discouraging for many in the electoral reform movement, but really should not have come as a s...
6 Legislative Efforts to Protect YOUR Right to Vote
6 Legislative Efforts to Protect YOUR Right to Vote
The biggest story happening right now nationwide that is not getting any attention from the mainstream media are the campaigns, ballot proposals, signature drives, and legislative efforts going on RIG...
THIS WEEK: An Independent Primary, Unrigging the Presidential Debates, and Reform on the Rise
THIS WEEK: An Independent Primary, Unrigging the Presidential Debates, and Reform on the Rise
Everyday, we hear from another candidate that if only we elect them, they will unite the country and solve our problems.But there’s a bigger reason why only 9% have confidence in Congress.It is becaus...
Basketball Battles and Political Scores (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Game)
Basketball Battles and Political Scores (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Game)
With politics in a permanent state of chaos, we might have to look outside the political sphere to be grounded politically. At least I do. Sports is a good place to turn -- real sports, not the blood ...