
Category: campaigns

Could an Independent Candidate Win Big City Mayor’s Race?
A lifelong nonpartisan candidate is making a serious run for mayor of San Diego against the incumbent Democrat in a left-leaning city.
25 September, 2024
Asamblea de Distrito 36 : Podra La Coalición de Democratas Moderados tornar el asiento de California de azul a rojo?
La carrera por el Distrito 36 de la Asamblea de California se distingue como una competencia cerrada entre el republicano Jeff Gonzalez y el demócrata Joey Acuña, Jr. AD36 es un distrito diverso que incluye áreas urbanas y vastas zonas rurales, lo que lo convierte en un campo de batalla único en las próximas elecciones. El distrito abarca todo el condado de Imperial y una gran parte del condado de Riverside, incluyendo áreas en el este y noreste del Valle de Coachella.
13 September, 2024
Asamblea de Distrito 50: ¿Quién tomará la bandera demócrata en este distrito solidamente azul?
La carrera por el Distrito 50 de la Asamblea de California se ha vuelto una batalla intensa entre dos demócratas, Robert Garcia y Adam Perez, quienes compiten por el puesto en un distrito abrumadoramente demócrata.
13 September, 2024
Asamblea De Distrito 57: Dos Demócratas, uno Moderado y una Progresista, Compiten por el Corazón del Sur de Los Ángeles
La carrera por el Distrito 57 de la Asamblea de California es una competencia directa entre dos demócratas, Efren Martinez y Sade Elhawary, en un distrito fuertemente demócrata.
13 September, 2024
California flag
Elección General de California 2024: Carreras en las que los Votantes Independientes Tendrán una Influencia Decisiva en los Resultados
Como en cada ciclo electoral, Independent Voter News ofrece una cobertura exhaustiva de las elecciones más competitivas en California y cómo los votantes independientes influirán el futuro del Estado de California.
13 September, 2024
Fiscal de la Ciudad de San Diego: ¿Apoyarán los Independientes y Republicanos al Líder Experimentado o a la Subprocuradora General de la Ciudad?
Ambos son abogados y demócratas, pero Brian Maienschein y Heather Ferbert han trabajado arduamente para mostrar que son candidatos distintos. Ambos afirman que sus fortalezas los convierten en el candidato ideal para el puesto de Fiscal de la Ciudad de San Diego.
15 September, 2024
Alcalde de San Diego: Un Veterano Independiente de los Marines Enfrenta una Difícil Carrera Contra el Titular Demócrata
El alcalde de San Diego, Todd Gloria, se postula para la reelección y, aunque tiene como oponente a Larry Turner, un oficial de policía y veterano de los Marines, no se espera que la carrera sea competitiva. Turner es el único candidato independiente (NPP) que se presenta para un cargo importante.
15 September, 2024
Supervisora del Distrito 1 del Condado de San Diego: Se Espera que la Titular Gane la Reelección con Facilidad
La Supervisora del Condado de San Diego, Nora Vargas, se postula para un segundo mandato representando a los residentes del Distrito 1. Se enfrenta a Alejandro Galicia, quien no ha recaudado fondos, lo que le da a Vargas un camino extremadamente fácil hacia la reelección.
15 September, 2024
Senado de Distrito 23: ¿Puede un Demócrata Progresista Tornar a Azul este Puesto Republicano?
La carrera por el Distrito 23 del Senado de California es una de las mas observadas. La republicana Suzette Valladares enfrenta un fuerte desafío del demócrata Kip Mueller en un distrito que ha experimentado cambios demográficos y políticos significativos en los ultimos años. El Partido Republicano esta determinado en mantener este puesto, actualmente ocupado por Scott Wilk, mientras que los demócratas ven una oportunidad de voltear la balanza, aprovechando la dinámica cambiante de los votantes.
13 September, 2024
San Diego
San Diego: Los Candidatos Apoyan la Reforma Electoral 'More Choice' ('Más Opciones')
En mayo, IVN publicó una encuesta que reveló que más del 67% de los votantes en San Diego y Chula Vista apoyan la iniciativa "More Choice San Diego", que permitiría a los votantes clasificar hasta 5 candidatos en la elección general, en lugar de elegir entre dos.
15 September, 2024
Asamblea de Distrito 27: La demócrata anti-crimen Esmeralda Soria se enfrenta a la retadora republicana Joanna Garcia Rose
La carrera por el Distrito 27 de la Asamblea de California se convirtió en una competencia clave en Central Valley, con la demócrata Esmeralda Soria enfrentando el desafío de la republicana conservadora Joanna García Rose.
13 September, 2024
Bill Maher: The Only Reason We Stay in Permanent Campaign Mode is Money
In the latest episode of Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, comedian Bill Maher said Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign proves something about American politics...
16 September, 2024
San Diego City Attorney: Will Independents and Republicans Go With the Experienced Leader or the Chief Deputy City Attorney?
They’re both attorneys and they’re both Democrats, but beyond that Brian Maienschein and Heather Ferbert have worked hard to show voters they’re different candidates. Each, of course, says their strengths make them the ideal candidate for San Diego City Attorney.
15 September, 2024
San Diego Council District 3: Can a Democratic Homeless Advocate Unseat the Democratic Incumbent?
Coleen Cusack is an attorney and homeless advocate challenging Councilmember Stephen Whitburn for his seat representing residents of San Diego District 3, who live in downtown and near Balboa Park.
14 September, 2024
San Diego Council District 9: Council President Expected to Fend Off Challenger with Little Effort This November
Sean Elo-Rivera is running for re-election to represent the residents of District 9 in the City of San Diego. While he faces a challenger in Terry Hoskins, this is not expected to be a competitive race.
15 September, 2024
San Diego Mayor: An Independent Marine Veteran Takes a Long Shot at the Democratic Incumbent
San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria is running for re-election and while he has a challenger in independent Larry Turner, a police officer and Marine veteran, the race is not expected to be competitive. He also is the only registered NPP (independent) running for a major office.
15 September, 2024
San Diego County Supervisor District 1: The Incumbent Is Expected to Easily Win Re-election
San Diego County Supervisor Nora Vargas is running for a second term to represent the residents of District 1. She is running against Alejandro Galicia, but he has not raised any money, giving Vargas an extremely easy path to re-election. 
15 September, 2024
San Diego County Supervisor District 2: Can an Upstart Democrat Unseat a Popular Republican Incumbent?
Joel Anderson is running for a second term as county supervisor to represent the residents of District 2. The popular Republican and former assemblyman and state senator faces a modest challenge from Democrat Gina Jacobs, who has yet to hold public office.
15 September, 2024
San Diego County Supervisor District 3: Can A Moderate Republican and Former Big City Mayor Unseat the Democratic Incumbent?
There is no bigger race in San Diego than this one. On one side is the incumbent, progressive Democrat Terra Lawson-Remer, elected four years ago. On the other is moderate Republican Kevin Faulconer, the former popular mayor of San Diego who ran unsuccessfully for governor three years ago.
15 September, 2024
California flag
California General Election 2024: Races Where Independent Voters Will Have Outsized Influence on Outcome
As it does each election cycle, Independent Voter News is bringing its readers extensive coverage of the most competitive elections in California, and how independent voters will decide the future of the Golden State.
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 36: Can a Coalition of Moderate Democrats Turn this Blue California Seat Red?
The race for California’s Assembly District 36 is shaping up to be a close contest between Republican Jeff Gonzalez and Democrat Joey Acuña, Jr.
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 50: Who Will Emerge as the Democratic Standard-Bearer in This Safely Blue District?
The race for California’s Assembly District 50 has become an intense battle between two Democrats, Robert Garcia and Adam Perez, as they vie for the seat in a district that is overwhelmingly Democratic. 
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 57: Two Democrats, a Moderate and a Bold Progressive, Compete for the Heart of South Los Angeles
The race for California’s Assembly District 57 is a head-to-head contest between two Democrats, Efren Martinez and Sade Elhawary, in a district that is strongly Democratic.  
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 74: Can A Republican Retain This Swing District Amidst a Strong Democratic Challenge?
The race for California’s Assembly District 74 has emerged as a crucial contest in Orange County, where incumbent Republican Laurie Davies is facing a formidable challenge from Democrat Chris Duncan.
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 75: Which Republican Will Appeal More Broadly to NPPs and Democrats to Win This Traditionally Conservative District?
The race for California’s Assembly District 75 is a key contest between two Republican candidates, Carl DeMaio and Andrew Hayes, in a district that has long been a GOP stronghold. 
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 79: A Progressive Will Win, But It's Not Democrats Who Will Decide Which One
The race for California’s Assembly District 79 is an all-Democratic contest between Colin Parent and LaShae Sharp-Collins, in a district that has become a stronghold for progressive politics. 
13 September, 2024
Senate District 19: A Trailblazing Latina and California’s First Transgender Lawmakers Go Head-to-Head
In the race for California's Senate District 19, incumbent Republican Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh faces Democrat Lisa Middleton in what is expected to be a competitive contest. This district, which encompasses parts of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, has seen shifting political allegiances in recent years, making it a key battleground in the upcoming elections.
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 7: Can Democrats Pick Up a Win Against One of California’s Most Moderate Incumbents?
The race for California’s Assembly District 7 is shaping up to be a pivotal and tightly contested election, meaning it has all the makings of a race that could be decided by No Party Preference (NPP) voters.
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 76: A United Democratic Party Squares Off Against Law Enforcement to Court Independent Voters
The GOP certainly hopes it can capture the open seat in California's Assembly District 76, but Democrats are heavily invested in the outcome of this race, seeking to keep the seat blue.
13 September, 2024
Senate District 23: Can a Progressive Democrat Turn This Red Senate Seat Blue?
The race for California’s Senate District 23 is shaping up to be a closely watched contest. Republican Suzette Valladares is facing a strong challenge from Democrat Kip Mueller in this district that has seen significant demographic and political shifts in recent years.
13 September, 2024
Senate District 35: Moderate Richardson and Progressive Chambers Can’t Ignore Republicans and Independents
In a district that is 60% Democrat, it is the other 40% of voters who are going to make the difference in Southwest Los Angeles where two Democrats are in a close and bitter race to replace state Senator Steven Bradford in Senate District 35: Laura Richardson and Michelle Chambers.
13 September, 2024
Senate District 37: With Law Enforcement Supporting the Incumbent, Can a Former Republican Assemblymember Flip the Seat?
The race for California’s Senate District 37 pits incumbent Democrat Josh Newman against Republican Steven Choi in a contest that is drawing considerable attention from both parties.
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 47: Can Community Organizer Christy Holstege Upset Moderate Republican Greg Wallis?
The race for California’s Assembly District 47 is shaping up to be a pivotal contest in the Inland Empire, where the incumbent, Republican Greg Wallis, faces a strong challenge from Democrat Christy Holstege.
13 September, 2024
Assembly District 27: Tough on Crime Democrat Esmeralda Soria Faces a Fight Against Republican Challenger Joanna Garcia Rose
The race for California’s Assembly District 27 has emerged as a key contest in the Central Valley, with incumbent Democrat Esmeralda Soria facing a determined challenge from conservative Republican Joanna Garcia Rose.
13 September, 2024
Can a Common Sense Party Bring Political Competition to California?
The California Common Sense Party is trying to introduce new political competition into California, not by pursuing an ideological agenda, but by appealing to voters from across the political spectrum who want to put practical policy before partisan politics.
11 September, 2019
2019 Anti-Corruption Awards Honors Three Political Disrupters
Over one hundred guests attended the event established 19 years ago to shine a spotlight on leaders in civic and political life who challenge the status quo and fight for systemic change.
04 November, 2019
Activote: A New App for Voters Who Care About the Future of our Republic
Activote is a new app that gives voters easier access to elections on their time.
28 October, 2019
Another Tea Party Is Brewing: This One Will Be Stormier
“History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain
30 December, 2020
INCREDIBLE: Third Party, Independent Representation Up 40% Since 2014
Voter distaste for both the Democratic Party and GOP seems to be at an all-time high. But candidate success outside the major parties remains elusive in Washington.
28 November, 2017
Web-Based Tool Announced to Bring Transparency to San Diego Campaigns
Determining who’s footing the bill for political campaigns and, consequently, who our elected officials are really serving, has long been a challenge for voters in our system of legalized corruption.
02 February, 2021
New Report: The Greatest Advantage in US Elections Is Not Incumbency, It's Partisanship
A new report from the nonpartisan group FairVote reinforces what it and other political reform advocates and experts have said for years: Partisanship is becoming the primary determinant of electoral outcomes in nearly every election.
20 December, 2020
VIDEO: Tulsi Says DNC, Corporate Media Are "Trying to Hijack Entire Election Process"
US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says she is "seriously considering" boycotting the October 15 DNC debate.
10 October, 2019
Independents and Black Voters in Georgia Win the US Senate for the Democrats
It was quite an afternoon. While Washington DC police, accompanied by federal agents, were finally clearing the Capitol Building of renegade Trump protestors, 33-year-old former investigative journalist Jon Ossoff was declared the winner of the runoff election against...
07 January, 2021
Tulsi Gabbard Tells DNC Candidates to Stop Fundraising Off Impeachment
US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard tweeted Monday that candidates should stop fundraising off Trump impeachment, saying candidates doing this are "undermining credibility of inquiry in eyes of American people, further dividing our already fractured country."
30 September, 2019
Tulsi Claps Back at Hillary for Suggesting Russia Is Grooming Her For Third-Party Run
Hillary Clinton didn't drop Tulsi Gabbard's name, but the implication is clear -- And Tulsi was quick to respond.
18 October, 2019
Republicans Change Delegate Rules to Silence Trump Opposition
The parties are not giving voters much choice going into the 2020 presidential election.
03 October, 2019
Is Tulsi Considering An Independent Presidential Run?
Tulsi Gabbard says she will not seek re-election in Congress, focusing on her run for president. Is she planning to run as an independent?”
25 October, 2019
California Republicans Mimic Democrats on Ballot Harvesting
Ballot harvesting is going to be an issue in California once again in 2020, but this time Republicans are joining in.
30 October, 2019
How Andrew Yang Could End the Political Monopoly in NYC
Andrew Yang is about to drastically shake up the mayoral race in New York City, and it could be bad news for the Democratic establishment’s control over city elections.
23 December, 2020
Press Club Honors IVN's Carl Nettleton with Top Award for Journalism
Independent Voter News (IVN) is proud to announce that the San Diego Press Club has awarded one its own writers its top honor for excellence in journalism.
30 October, 2019
Federal Judge Stops California From Requiring Trump to Release His Tax Returns
There was good news for Republicans and the Trump team this week when a federal judge put a hold on the voter-suppression tactic.
20 September, 2019