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Early Voting Trends Show Dems Falling Short in 3 out of 4 Battleground States
Early Voting Trends Show Dems Falling Short in 3 out of 4 Battleground States
Editor's Note: This opinion piece originally appeared in The Hill, and has been republished on IVN with permission from the author.‍Polling indicates Joe Biden and the Democrats will win big. How...
OPINION: Forget Court Packing; We Need to Talk About Limiting Judicial Review
OPINION: Forget Court Packing; We Need to Talk About Limiting Judicial Review
Joe Biden, if he wins the presidency, has promised to create a bipartisan commission to recommend changes to the “out of whack” American court system. The commission’s prime focus will almost certainl...
OPINION: Forget Court Packing; We Need to Talk About Limiting Judicial Review
OPINION: Forget Court Packing; We Need to Talk About Limiting Judicial Review
Judicial review does not appear in the Constitution. As former Justice Antonin Scalia admitted, “The Constitution of the United States nowhere says that the Supreme Court shall be the last word on what the Constitution means…"
What’s Even Scarier Than SeaWorld’s Spooktacular? A San Diego Without the Marine Park
What’s Even Scarier Than SeaWorld’s Spooktacular? A San Diego Without the Marine Park
Her son’s third birthday party and his preschool field trip, those are the SeaWorld memories Anna M. holds dear. As a season passholder, she gushed about how fortunate children in San Diego are to get...
Who’s Really Behind the Fight for Better Elections?
Who’s Really Behind the Fight for Better Elections?
The democracy reform movement is having a moment right now. There are campaigns all across the country fighting gerrymandering, corruption, voter suppression, and plurality voting.Because of this, we ...
Will Republicans Decide the Dem vs. Dem Mayor's Race?
Will Republicans Decide the Dem vs. Dem Mayor's Race?
With two Democrats running for mayor of San Diego, Republican voters will likely decide who will be our next Mayor… If they decide to vote.As The San Diego Union-Tribune reported earlier this month, t...
How VotePact Gives You Leverage Over the Duopoly
How VotePact Gives You Leverage Over the Duopoly
VotePact is a voting strategy that advocates that people vote for their actual preferences by pairing up with someone on the other side of the Democratic-Republican divide. So people can strategically...
How Engaged Citizens Can End Corruption and Create Change
How Engaged Citizens Can End Corruption and Create Change
Represent San Diego and Independent Voter Project presented a screening of Daniel Falconer’s award-winning anti-corruption documentary, "UnRepresented," to an audience of 120 democracy reform advocate...
How Colorado Became the Nation's Model for Vote by Mail Elections
How Colorado Became the Nation's Model for Vote by Mail Elections
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on The Fulcrum and has been republished on IVN with permission from the publisher. All across the country, the consistent theme of this presidentia...
What Happens If There's an Electoral Tie?
What Happens If There's an Electoral Tie?
The US is in the midst of multiple crises, including a political crisis created by the two major parties. For many Americans, the partisan rhetoric in the media and on the campaign trail has never bee...