
Search query: pennsylvania

Pro-Voter Reformers: George's Primary Debacle Underscores Need for Vote-By-Mail Nationwide
Pro-Voter Reformers: George's Primary Debacle Underscores Need for Vote-By-Mail Nationwide
The Georgia elections Tuesday were characterized as “catastrophe.” A new $104 million voting system broke down, many voters couldn’t vote as a result of a ballot shortage, and those who could ended up...
June's 'Super Tuesday' Proves Vote-at-Home Works, Advocates Say
June's 'Super Tuesday' Proves Vote-at-Home Works, Advocates Say
In the midst of social turmoil and civil unrest, on top of an ongoing pandemic, the news didn’t spare much time to talk about 9 primary elections held Tuesday -- primaries that, according to vote at h...
Don't Blame Justin Amash. Just Fix the System That Broke Him
Don't Blame Justin Amash. Just Fix the System That Broke Him
This article first appeared on The FulcrumShouted down as a "spoiler" for three weeks after announcing he was getting ready to run for president as a Libertarian, Justin Amash has abandoned the idea o...
New Book: The Need for Political Innovation Greater Now Than before Pandemic
New Book: The Need for Political Innovation Greater Now Than before Pandemic
Many are aware by now that US Rep. Justin Amash has decided not to run for president -- citing the cumbersome realities the current political system presents to candidates outside the two major partie...
Fight Over Purging vs. Accuracy of Voter Rolls Arrives in Battleground Pa.
Fight Over Purging vs. Accuracy of Voter Rolls Arrives in Battleground Pa.
This article first appeared on The FulcrumTwo prominent voting rights groups are attempting to formally intervene so they can fight a Pennsylvania lawsuit that threatens thousands of names on the vote...
When a Curve Is Not Necessarily a Curve
When a Curve Is Not Necessarily a Curve
This Opinion first appeared on California GlobeBy Sen. John M.W. Moorlach and Craig KeshishianMaybe Benjamin Franklin was right.  In a 1755 letter to the Pennsylvania Assembly, he said, “Those wh...
Fresh lawsuits challenge vote-by-mail limits in four Southern states
Fresh lawsuits challenge vote-by-mail limits in four Southern states
This article was first published on The FulcrumUpdated Monday afternoon to describe four, not three, lawsuits.Expanding voters' access to absentee ballots across the South during the coronavirus pande...
Giant Funding Gaps Threaten Elections in GOP States, Study Finds
Giant Funding Gaps Threaten Elections in GOP States, Study Finds
This article was first published on The FulcrumWhile $400 million in federal funds has been allocated to make voting safer during the coronavirus pandemic, local election officials and good-government...
Opinion: Ranked Choice Voting Must Be A Part of the Coronavirus Elections Fix
Opinion: Ranked Choice Voting Must Be A Part of the Coronavirus Elections Fix
Richie is president and Daley a senior fellow at FairVote, a nonpartisan electoral reform group that promotes ranked-choice voting. This month Daley published "Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Bac...
Hello America! Hello my Brothers and Sisters!This campaign, this race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, has come to a critical point. A boiling point, some would say. And before we go ...