
Category: open primaries

Joe Biden
Opinion: Partisan Primaries Failed to Vet Joe Biden
This year’s Democratic Party presidential primary was a choreographed affair dubbed “Operation Bubble Wrap.” The rules were manipulated by party insiders to ensure Joe Biden would face no scrutiny and no competition. The idea that he should stay in the race because he “won the primary” is absurd. There was no primary. By design.
19 July, 2024
voter suppression
Independent Voters Face Abuse and Intimidation in Tennessee Primaries
Last week, I recorded a podcast interview with Gabe Hart. Gabe lives in western Tennessee and is a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging voter suppression signs that are hung at every poll site in Tennessee on primary day.
16 July, 2024
Idaho Top 4 Initiative with Ranked Choice Voting Certified for November Ballot
The Idaho secretary of state announced this week that Idahoans for Open Primaries turned in enough signatures for its ballot initiative to end the state's closed primary system.
11 July, 2024
District of Columbia
Can A DC Campaign Bring Political Accountability and Inclusion to A One-Party Town?
It goes without saying that the District of Columbia is a one-party town. Out of the 13 seats that compose the DC City Council, 11 are held by Democrats, and the other two are held by officials registered as independent.
02 July, 2024
Virtual Discussion: Who Are Independent Voters?
By the end of 2023, the average percentage of Americans that self-identified as independent was at 43%, which tied a record high set in 2017. However, even in an election year, this percentage isn't dropping.
27 June, 2024
Poll Shows Strong Support for 'Top Two' Measure in South Dakota
A recent poll shows that 55% of South Dakota voters support Amendment H, which if approved in November will implement a nonpartisan, top-two primary in the state similar to systems used in California and Washington.
13 June, 2024
Arizona Initiative: Parties Can Either Accept Open Primaries or Pay for Them
Arizona is ground zero for a novel approach to voting reform that is not getting any attention from the national press, but could have tremendous implications for future elections and provide a fairer process for all voters -- regardless of their political affiliation. 
12 June, 2024
South Dakota Voters Will Vote on 'Top Two' Primary in November
A proposed amendment to the South Dakota Constitution to require a nonpartisan primary system in which all voters and candidates participate on a single ballot has been certified for the November ballot.
24 May, 2024
Oregon Capitol Building
Only 7% of Voters Have Returned Ballots in Oregon's Closed Primaries
Imagine being part of the largest segment of the registered voting population and being denied the right to an equal vote in elections. Well, millions of voters across the US don't have to imagine this because it is a reality for them in every election cycle. 
14 May, 2024
Independent Voters Are Many Things -- A Myth Isn't One of Them
Open Primaries continued its ongoing virtual discussion series Tuesday with a conversation on independent voters, who they are, and why we have a system that actively suppresses their voices at every level of elections and government.
08 May, 2024
South Dakota Capitol Building
South Dakota Open Primaries Submits 47K Signatures to Get Nonpartisan Primary Reform on the Ballot
One week after the Idahoans for Open Primaries coalition submitted roughly 30,000 more signatures than they needed to get a nonpartisan top-four primary system on the ballot, South Dakota Open Primaries met the required number of signatures in their own state to put a top-two system before voters.
07 May, 2024
'Final Four' Primary Initiative in Idaho Set for Ballot Approval
An initiative that would ensure equal voting rights for 270,000 independent voters in Idaho is all but certain to qualify for the November ballot. The Idahoans for Open Primaries coalition exceeded 90,000 signatures for its "Final Four" elections initiative days before the May 1 deadline.
30 April, 2024
Breaking Down the Numbers: Independent Voter Suppression in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania held its primary elections Tuesday, which effectively acted as the general election in most cases. However, statewide, over a million voters had to sit on the sidelines because of the state's closed primary rules.
24 April, 2024
Top Four Nonpartisan Primary Initiative in Idaho Surpasses 84,000 Signatures
An initiative that would open the taxpayer-funded electoral process in Idaho to all voters has more than 84,000 signatures, according to the group spearheading the initiative, Idahoans for Open Primaries. 
17 April, 2024
A Look at the Millions of Taxpayers Denied an Equal Voice in Elections
If there is one day out of the year that many Americans collectively dread it is April 15 -- Tax Day. But for millions of US voters, it is also a reminder that while they help foot the bill for elections, they are denied the right to an equal vote in them.
15 April, 2024
two parties
Penn. Voter: Closed Primaries Are a Modern Version of 'Taxation Without Representation'
Efforts to reform Pennsylvania's closed partisan primary system continue with groups like Ballot PA urging state lawmakers to give independent voters equal voting rights in the state's taxpayer-funded elections process.
03 April, 2024
DC Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against Open Primaries, Ranked Choice Voting Ballot Measure
The lawsuit was filed by the DC Democratic Party in August not long after the DC Board of Elections unanimously approved the reform initiative, now known as Initiative 83, to appear on the 2024 ballot. 
31 March, 2024
ballot box
The Next Big Win in Better Election Reform Could Come Where Voters Least Expect
Idaho isn't a state that gets much attention when people talk about politics in the US. However, this could change in 2024 if Idahoans for Open Primaries and their allies are successful with their proposed initiative.
21 March, 2024
It's Time to Let All Voters Vote in South Dakota's Taxpayer-Funded Primaries
Unfortunately, the upcoming 2024 South Dakota primary election promises more of the same for our state.
15 March, 2024
make every vote count
Report: 6-in-10 New Voters Register Unaffiliated in States that Suppress Independent Voters
Mounting research continues to show the real truth behind independent voter suppression in several states across the US.
12 March, 2024
SC Governor Rejects Calls to Close Primaries; Squashes Claims of 'Party Raiding'
Republican South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster does not support calls from within his party to close primary elections to registered party members only. He has long pushed back against claims that non-party members will infiltrate the primaries to manipulate outcomes.
21 February, 2024
California Legislature
Author of California’s Top-Two Primary Says It’s Time to Reform the Reform
In 2010, California voters took the first step in empowering every California voter by abolishing party-controlled closed partisan primaries in favor of open nonpartisan primaries that advance the top two vote-getters to the November election. 
14 February, 2024
Over 23.5 Million Independent Voters Are Disenfranchised in 2024 Primaries, Study Finds
As the US kicks off the 2024 presidential election cycle, more than 23.5 million registered independent voters find themselves sidelined by closed presidential primaries in 22 states, a recent report from the Unite America Institute reveals.
13 February, 2024
If The Parties Can Ignore Primary Results, Why Not Let Everyone Vote?
Over 70,000 voters cast a ballot in the Republican primary -- and none of those votes are considered "legitimate" by the GOP. 
08 February, 2024
GOP buttons
West Virginia GOP Officials Insult Independent Voters; Vote to Close Primaries
The West Virginia Republican Executive committee voted Saturday to switch to closed primary elections starting in 2026.
28 January, 2024
Poll: La. Lawmakers Dismantle Nonpartisan Elections Supported by Two-Thirds of Voters
Louisiana, voters witnessed their legislature not only ignore their opinions on something as important as voter rights -- but lawmakers also spit in their faces.
23 January, 2024
Fast-Tracking Voter Suppression: La. Legislature Passes Closed Primary Bill
Just one week ago, the entire country took notice when Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry said he wanted to dismantle the state's nonpartisan "jungle primary." In the midst of a special session, the Legislature swiftly moved a bill through both of its chambers that did not give the governor everything he wanted, but still disenfranchises over 800,000 non-major party voters in critical elections.
19 January, 2024
new orleans
Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry's Political Advisor Spreads False Narrative on Closed Primaries
Louisiana Radio Network recently published a conversation with Governor Jeff Landry's longtime political advisor Brent Littlefield, in which he discusses the governor's controversial legislative priority to dismantle the state's nonpartisan electoral system in favor of a party-run system.
14 January, 2024
i voted
Upcoming Book: America's Political Problems Start with Its Broken Primaries
A new book is slated to hit the shelves in February by former congressional candidate and Unite America Executive Director Nick Troiano, which details the fundamental problem with the US's unrepresentative and hyper-polarized political system and where change must begin: the primaries.
07 January, 2024
To Be Truly Open, More Reform Is Needed to Maine Primaries
Next year, Maine will hold its first open primary election. Every Maine voter — including the 32 percent registered as unaffiliated — will be able to vote. It’s a critical step forward.  
20 November, 2023
The U.S. Open and Open Politics
The corruption of American politics is deep and stifling and it is producing levels of alienation and antagonism that are frightening.
11 September, 2019
Suicide by Stupidity? Arizona Democrats Close the Presidential Primary
The Arizona Democratic Party voted down a resolution on September 21 to open the party’s presidential primaries in March to the state’s 1.3 million independent voters.
09 October, 2019
Forced Association: Independent Registration for Presidential Primaries Actually Drops
California forces voters to affiliate with a private political party in order to participate in its presidential primaries, and as a result, we are seeing the first significant decline in registered No Party Preference (NPP) voters in several reporting cycles.
07 November, 2019
Legislators Feel Caught in the Trap of Partisan Primaries
What is next for Donald Trump? There are reports that the former president is intending to play a role in the 2022 election. One report says his hit list includes Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC).
16 February, 2021
In Florida: Felons Can Vote in Presidential Primaries, But Not Independents
In 2020, hundreds of thousands of felons may be allowed to vote in the presidential primary process.That is, as long as they join either the Democratic or Republican Party.
22 October, 2019
Arizona Democratic Officials: Pick a Party or Don't Vote
The Arizona Democratic Party has given the state’s 1.3 million independent voters a hard snub ahead of the 2020 election.
24 September, 2019
Former Republican US Rep. Sues South Carolina GOP for Cancelling 2020 Presidential Primary
Two South Carolina voters, including a former US congressman, claim the South Carolina Republican Party has violated state law, the state constitution, and its own rules and principles by cancelling the primary.
01 October, 2019
Stop Confusing California’s Top-Two with Louisiana’s Jungle Primary
For those familiar with California’s top-two nonpartisan primary, written by the Independent Voter Project, the election process may sound similar. However, there’s a very important distinction.
14 October, 2019
Kansas Legislators Propose Constitutional Vote That Would Disenfranchise Voters
On Friday, the Kansas Legislature will vote to amend the Kansas Constitution. A constitutional amendment must be approved by 2/3 of Kansas state legislators and then put before “the electors,” meaning Kansas voters. Yet advocates are looking at thee state's closed primaries.
14 January, 2021
In Wake of Primary Cancellations, One Trump Challenger Calls GOP "A Cult"
4 state Republican Parties have cancelled their primaries and caucuses altogether while other states are making it more difficult for GOP challengers.
16 September, 2019
Guilty Parties: Our Elections Have Been Stolen; Just Not How You Think
Do American voters have a stronger theft case? For years both parties have done their best (or worse) controlling our public American election system. Are they the real guilty parties?
25 January, 2021
Bill Weld: We Need to Expand the Primary Electorate
Bill Weld almost had it right on primary elections during the 2019 Politicon.
31 October, 2019