
Category: news

NY Green Party: New York Is 'Worst in the Nation' for Voter Choice
New York is unique in the 2024 election cycle: It is the only state that has just two candidates on its presidential ballot. In the last 40 years, this has happened in only one other state: Oklahoma.
22 October, 2024
Latest Poll Points to Potential Trouble for 'Top Two' Measure in South Dakota
Amendment H, which would implement a nonpartisan top two primary system in South Dakota, may be in serious trouble. That is, if a recent News Watch poll is accurate.
22 October, 2024
white house
Dear Pollsters: We Get It... The Race Is Tight
In this episode of Middleweight Politics, Dan and IVN Editor Shawn Griffiths discuss former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke's puzzling endorsement of Jill Stein, Democrat Mike Bennett's slightly more puzzling opposition to election reform in his state...
21 October, 2024
Frank Luntz
Frank Luntz: Neither Trump nor Harris Are Providing What Voters Truly Want
Political analyst and pollster Frank Luntz joined Foward Party Founder Andrew Yang on his most recent podcast to talk about the state of the 2024 presidential election, and what he's seeing from the data.
21 October, 2024
Your Choice
Measure 117: Will Oregon Be the Next State to Adopt Ranked Choice Voting?
Two states currently use ranked choice voting at the state level (Maine and Alaska). This number could substantially change with RCV on the ballot in 4 states, including the red state Idaho, the purple state Colorado, and the blue state Oregon. 
17 October, 2024
The Only Thing Missouri Amendment 7 Does Is Ban More Choice Elections
Not much attention is on Amendment 7 in Missouri as millions of dollars have gone into ads for and against other proposals that deal with abortion, online sports betting, and a new casino. However, the amendment will affect the voting rights of every Missouri citizen.
17 October, 2024
Vote Here
In Alaska, Will Voters Go Back To Elections Controlled by Party Bosses and Special Interests?
Alaska voters have a choice this election: Keep the nonpartisan election reform that opened taxpayer-funded election to all voters and candidates. Or, return to a system where party leaders have the most control over election outcomes.
16 October, 2024
US Congress
Partisan Primaries: How 7% of Voters Control 87% of Seats in Congress
While Election Day is still three weeks away, a combination of safe congressional seats and closed partisan primaries has already determined the result of 87% of House Elections.
15 October, 2024
colorado vote
The Denver Post Makes a Strange Endorsement on Voting Reform in Colorado
The Denver Post Editorial Board has issued an endorsement on Proposition 131 in Colorado, an initiative that calls for a nonpartisan top 4 open primary with ranked choice voting. They ask voters to vote "No," but not because they have doubts about the reform.
15 October, 2024
Nebraska Capitol Building
100 Years Ago, A Nebraska Republican Changed Democracy in His State Forever
With Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen’s announcement on Sept. 24 that he doesn't have enough votes to call a special session of the Legislature to change the way the state allocates electoral votes, an effort led by former President Donald Trump to pressure the Legislature officially failed.
14 October, 2024
Meet Eric Settle: Promising a Nonpartisan Direction for PA's Chief Law Enforcement Office
Pennsylvania is a critical battleground state in the 2024 presidential election and could decide who wins between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. However, it is not the only statewide race voters should be watching. 
14 October, 2024
RepresentUs, OpenSecrets Join Forces to Expose Super PAC Influence in 2024 Elections
In an effort to raise awareness about the staggering influence of PAC money in politics, RepresentUs, the nation’s largest grassroots anti-corruption organization, has partnered with OpenSecrets, a go-to source to track the flow of money in US politics.
10 October, 2024
Brett Smith
Oregon Independence Party Candidate: US Politics 'an Agreed Upon System' of Candidate Suppression and Inaction
Oregon’s 5th Congressional District is a hotly contested political battleground that will be one of a few that will decide who controls Congress in 2025. The Cook Political Voting index has the district as D+2, but it is currently represented by a Republican.
09 October, 2024
The Electoral Count Reform Act: Everything You Need to Know
All of us remember when Vice President Mike Pence declared Joe Biden the winner of the presidential election at the end of a violent day at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Those were trying times for our country as MAGA loyalists circulated baseless claims of fraud and Donald Trump pressured his vice president to prevent Biden’s win by not counting electoral votes from some states.
08 October, 2024
WaPo Says Ranked Choice Voting 'Deserves to Pass,' Endorses Initiative 83
The Washington Post Editorial Board has announced its support for ranked choice voting (which will be on the ballot in 4 states and the District of Columbia), encouraging DC residents in particular to support Initiative 83.
07 October, 2024
Unite America: Extreme Minority Rule in America Is Worse Than You Think
The Unite America (UAI) Institute released new analysis Tuesday that found that less and less US voters (down to 7%) are deciding nearly 90% of US House races in taxpayer-funded primary elections. What’s more, the gap between these numbers is widening.
08 October, 2024
Colorado Flag
A New Way Forward for Colorado? Inside the Nation's Tightest Election
There are few truly competitive congressional elections in the US. However, Colorado voters in the state's 3rd Congressional District will not only decide the tightest election in the state, but the entire country this November.
07 October, 2024
AZ vote
AZ Supreme Court Finally Ends Legal Drama over Prop 140, Says Votes Will Count
Early voting is set to kick off in Arizona this week, and the state Supreme Court has put to bed a legal battle over Prop 140 that has dragged on well past the printing of ballots. The high court ruled that votes for Prop 140 will count. 
06 October, 2024
Trump Lost Independent Voters in 2020 -- Can He Win Them Back?
Trump won over independent voters in 2016, lost them in 2020. Can he win them again in 2024?
06 October, 2024
US Voters, Activists Set to Rally for Open Primaries Ahead of Historic Elections
The 2024 election cycle is already a historic year for election reform. Six states plus the District of Columbia have measures on the November 5 ballot that, if approved by voters, will open taxpayer-funded primary elections to voters outside the Republican and Democratic Parties.
03 October, 2024
political parties
Liz Cheney Thinks a Third Party Might be Needed. Do Americans Want One?
At a forum in Minneapolis last week, former representative of Wyoming, Liz Cheney, stated it might be necessary to form a new party for conservatives unhappy with the GOP’s shift towards Trumpism and the MAGA movement. 
03 October, 2024
Idaho Capitol Building
Idaho Lawmakers Threaten to Repeal Prop 1 If Voters Pass It
Idaho Republican lawmakers have indicated that because they don't like election reforms in Proposition 1, they will consider repealing or amending the proposal if voters approve it in November. 
02 October, 2024
vote here
Gallup: Support for Third Party Dips Slightly; Still Close to 60%
Gallup reported Tuesday that 58% of US adults believe that the US needs a third major political party in the US. This dropped 5 percentage points from 2023, but still represents a clear majority of Americans.
01 October, 2024
Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt: 'Open Primaries Aren't a Weird, Foreign Concept'
In a new video posted by the nonpartisan primary reform group Open Primaries, Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt discusses his support for an open primary system in which all candidates have to make their case to all registered voters, regardless of party.
01 October, 2024
Bloomington Activists Fight Effort to Repeal New Ranked Choice Voting System
Bloomington is 1 of 5 cities in Minnesota that uses ranked choice voting for its city elections. However, this could change if opponents to reform have their way in November.
30 September, 2024
Yang and Stewart
Forward Podcast: "How Not to Be a Politician"
In the latest episode of the Forward Podcast, Forward Party Co-Founder Andrew Yang interviews Rory Stewart, whose multifaceted record includes almost becoming UK prime minister. He is the author of the best-selling book, "How Not to Be a Politician."
30 September, 2024
Election Polls: Accurate Indicators or Poor Predictors?
Take horse race polls on the presidential election and, as the philosopher David Hume recommended for works of superstition, consign them to the flames.
30 September, 2024
Question 3: Will Nevada Once Again Vote for More Choice in Elections?
In 2022, a majority of Nevada voters said 'Yes' to a ballot measure that would open up primaries to all voters and candidates and implement ranked choice voting in the general election. The question is: Will they do it again in 2024?
29 September, 2024
Montana vote
CI-126 and CI-127: Montana Voters Could Permanently Change Who Controls Elections
Montana voters have a choice to make: They can keep the state's partisan primary system, which decides most elections in the state before most voters have a say. Or, they can end party primaries and adopt a system that is open to all voters and candidates at the most critical stage of the process. 
28 September, 2024
Proposition 1: 300,000 Independent Voters Can Pass Historic Election Reform in Idaho
Nearly 300,000 independent voters in Idaho have an opportunity to pass a ballot measure that would guarantee them equal access to taxpayer-funded primary elections without having to affiliate with one of the two major political parties.
28 September, 2024
AZ flag
Former AZ Mayor Says Voters Can End Discrimination Against Independents with Prop. 140
Arizona voters will have several ballot measures to consider when they receive their November ballot. Among them is Proposition 140, which if passed would end partisan primaries in the state and give independent voters and candidates level footing in the elections process.
27 September, 2024
I voted sticker
Amendment H: Are South Dakota Voters Ready to Upend a Partisan Monopoly?
South Dakota voters have a choice in the 2024 election: They can keep an election system that is solely controlled by a single political party, or they can reform elections that allow voters to choose any candidate they prefer, regardless of party under Amendment H. 
26 September, 2024
Washington DC
Initiative 83: Independents Could Make History with DC Election Reform
Independent voters in Washington DC have an opportunity this November to gain access to the city's most critical elections, the primaries, while also implementing ranked choice voting for all District elections with Initiative 83. 
26 September, 2024
Could an Independent Candidate Win Big City Mayor’s Race?
A lifelong nonpartisan candidate is making a serious run for mayor of San Diego against the incumbent Democrat in a left-leaning city.
25 September, 2024
Two Parties
How The GOP and Dems Are Using Third Parties to Poach Each Other's Voters
While working to activate, energize, and turnout their voters on Election Day, Democrats and Republicans are playing wedges with the pie chart, but the Dems are crying foul.
25 September, 2024
Electoral College
An Electoral Tie: It Could Happen, But What Happens If It Does?
The 2024 presidential election is considered extremely tight and much like the 2020 election will be decided by less than 100,000 votes in a small handful of states – if polling is any indication of the state of the election.
24 September, 2024
vote here
FairVote Report: 70 Statewide, Congressional 2024 Primaries Won with Less Than 50% of Vote
The nonpartisan voting reform group FairVote released a new report Monday that shows that 70 major party statewide and congressional candidates in the 2024 primary cycle advanced to the general election with less than 50% of the vote. 
23 September, 2024
Colorado Voters Appear Ready to Adopt More Choice Elections in November
A poll commissioned by Colorado Voters First shows that a clear majority (56%) of likely voters in Colorado will or probably will support Proposition 131, a measure that would implement a nonpartisan Top 4 primary with ranked choice voting in the general election.
23 September, 2024
Can an Independent Navy Veteran and Mechanic Win Nebraska's US Senate Race?
In the latest episode of the Forward Podcast, Forward Party Co-Founder Andrew Yang talked with Dan Osborn, an independent candidate running for US Senate who is in a statistical dead-heat with incumbent US Senator Deb Fischer going into November.
23 September, 2024
Real or Exaggerated: Is the 2024 Election the Most Important in US History?
In the United States, elections–and the governments they produce–are lagging indicators of public sentiment. Elections simply provide a quantitative measure of what the voters believe. The governments that emerge from elections merely establish order and discipline with respect to those policies and approaches that have already been emotionally and intellectually pioneered and adopted by the American people.
23 September, 2024
Asamblea de Distrito 36 : Podra La Coalición de Democratas Moderados tornar el asiento de California de azul a rojo?
La carrera por el Distrito 36 de la Asamblea de California se distingue como una competencia cerrada entre el republicano Jeff Gonzalez y el demócrata Joey Acuña, Jr. AD36 es un distrito diverso que incluye áreas urbanas y vastas zonas rurales, lo que lo convierte en un campo de batalla único en las próximas elecciones. El distrito abarca todo el condado de Imperial y una gran parte del condado de Riverside, incluyendo áreas en el este y noreste del Valle de Coachella.
13 September, 2024
Asamblea de Distrito 50: ¿Quién tomará la bandera demócrata en este distrito solidamente azul?
La carrera por el Distrito 50 de la Asamblea de California se ha vuelto una batalla intensa entre dos demócratas, Robert Garcia y Adam Perez, quienes compiten por el puesto en un distrito abrumadoramente demócrata.
13 September, 2024
Asamblea De Distrito 57: Dos Demócratas, uno Moderado y una Progresista, Compiten por el Corazón del Sur de Los Ángeles
La carrera por el Distrito 57 de la Asamblea de California es una competencia directa entre dos demócratas, Efren Martinez y Sade Elhawary, en un distrito fuertemente demócrata.
13 September, 2024
California flag
Elección General de California 2024: Carreras en las que los Votantes Independientes Tendrán una Influencia Decisiva en los Resultados
Como en cada ciclo electoral, Independent Voter News ofrece una cobertura exhaustiva de las elecciones más competitivas en California y cómo los votantes independientes influirán el futuro del Estado de California.
13 September, 2024
Fiscal de la Ciudad de San Diego: ¿Apoyarán los Independientes y Republicanos al Líder Experimentado o a la Subprocuradora General de la Ciudad?
Ambos son abogados y demócratas, pero Brian Maienschein y Heather Ferbert han trabajado arduamente para mostrar que son candidatos distintos. Ambos afirman que sus fortalezas los convierten en el candidato ideal para el puesto de Fiscal de la Ciudad de San Diego.
15 September, 2024
Alcalde de San Diego: Un Veterano Independiente de los Marines Enfrenta una Difícil Carrera Contra el Titular Demócrata
El alcalde de San Diego, Todd Gloria, se postula para la reelección y, aunque tiene como oponente a Larry Turner, un oficial de policía y veterano de los Marines, no se espera que la carrera sea competitiva. Turner es el único candidato independiente (NPP) que se presenta para un cargo importante.
15 September, 2024
Supervisora del Distrito 1 del Condado de San Diego: Se Espera que la Titular Gane la Reelección con Facilidad
La Supervisora del Condado de San Diego, Nora Vargas, se postula para un segundo mandato representando a los residentes del Distrito 1. Se enfrenta a Alejandro Galicia, quien no ha recaudado fondos, lo que le da a Vargas un camino extremadamente fácil hacia la reelección.
15 September, 2024
Senado de Distrito 23: ¿Puede un Demócrata Progresista Tornar a Azul este Puesto Republicano?
La carrera por el Distrito 23 del Senado de California es una de las mas observadas. La republicana Suzette Valladares enfrenta un fuerte desafío del demócrata Kip Mueller en un distrito que ha experimentado cambios demográficos y políticos significativos en los ultimos años. El Partido Republicano esta determinado en mantener este puesto, actualmente ocupado por Scott Wilk, mientras que los demócratas ven una oportunidad de voltear la balanza, aprovechando la dinámica cambiante de los votantes.
13 September, 2024
San Diego
San Diego: Los Candidatos Apoyan la Reforma Electoral 'More Choice' ('Más Opciones')
En mayo, IVN publicó una encuesta que reveló que más del 67% de los votantes en San Diego y Chula Vista apoyan la iniciativa "More Choice San Diego", que permitiría a los votantes clasificar hasta 5 candidatos en la elección general, en lugar de elegir entre dos.
15 September, 2024
presidential election
The November Election Is Going to Be Close -- It's Okay If We Don't Know the Winner on Election Night
Close and contested elections are a part of American history, and the upcoming presidential election will likely continue this tradition.
19 September, 2024
New Consumer Research: Most Americans Aren't as Divided As You Think; Say 'Significant' Political Reform is Needed
Part of the national narrative following a second attempt on former President Donald Trump's life has focused on the political divisions in the US, and rhetoric that people on both sides of the aisle now say needs to be "toned down."
18 September, 2024
Bradley Tusk: Secure Mobile Voting Can End the Partisan Weaponization of Elections
Tusk Ventures Founder and CEO Bradley Tusk has been making his rounds both in the media and with nonpartisan reform groups to discuss his new book, "Vote with Your Phone: Why Mobile Voting Is Our Final Shot at Saving Democracy," and the need to change incentives in US elections to guarantee less extremism and more accountable representation. 
17 September, 2024
Asamblea de Distrito 27: La demócrata anti-crimen Esmeralda Soria se enfrenta a la retadora republicana Joanna Garcia Rose
La carrera por el Distrito 27 de la Asamblea de California se convirtió en una competencia clave en Central Valley, con la demócrata Esmeralda Soria enfrentando el desafío de la republicana conservadora Joanna García Rose.
13 September, 2024
Pew Research: TikTok Sees Substantial Growth in News Consumption the Same Year Lawmakers Voted to Ban It
The latest findings from Pew Research Center indicate that over a majority of Americans (54%) "at least sometimes" get their news from social media, which the group says is up slightly from recent years. 
17 September, 2024
Book Excerpt: An Ethicist Looks at Gun Control
The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, as part of the Bill of Rights, was placed in force on December 15, 1791: A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
17 September, 2024
Bill Maher: The Only Reason We Stay in Permanent Campaign Mode is Money
In the latest episode of Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, comedian Bill Maher said Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign proves something about American politics...
16 September, 2024
Gary Marcus on AI Regulation: US Political System 'Wasn't Set Up to Push Through Things Effectively'
In the latest episode of the Forward Podcast, Forward Party Co-Founder Andrew Yang sat down with AI researcher and author Gary Marcus to discusses the dangers an unchecked generative AI industry has on consumers and US democracy.
16 September, 2024
San Diego City Attorney: Will Independents and Republicans Go With the Experienced Leader or the Chief Deputy City Attorney?
They’re both attorneys and they’re both Democrats, but beyond that Brian Maienschein and Heather Ferbert have worked hard to show voters they’re different candidates. Each, of course, says their strengths make them the ideal candidate for San Diego City Attorney.
15 September, 2024
San Diego Council District 3: Can a Democratic Homeless Advocate Unseat the Democratic Incumbent?
Coleen Cusack is an attorney and homeless advocate challenging Councilmember Stephen Whitburn for his seat representing residents of San Diego District 3, who live in downtown and near Balboa Park.
14 September, 2024
San Diego Council District 9: Council President Expected to Fend Off Challenger with Little Effort This November
Sean Elo-Rivera is running for re-election to represent the residents of District 9 in the City of San Diego. While he faces a challenger in Terry Hoskins, this is not expected to be a competitive race.
15 September, 2024