
Category: public opinion

Kamala Harris
Ranked Choice Poll: VP Harris Is the Favorite to Replace Biden
A new ranked choice voting poll shows that if Democrats were to replace President Joe Biden on the party’s presidential ticket, Vice President Kamala Harris is the strong favorite. However, the numbers show she does not poll as well as Biden against former President Donald Trump.
15 July, 2024
Gallup: Majority of Voters Declare Their Political Independence
Gallup generally finds that independent voter ID falls between 40 to 50 percent of the electorate. However, 4 months out from November, the latest numbers show 51% of Americans now identify as independent of the two major parties. 
05 July, 2024
Ahead of CNN Debate, 71% of Voters Are Not Happy
A Harvard CAPS / Harris poll in May found that 71% of Americans want an independent or third-party candidate on the presidential debate stage. Yet, the rules for CNN's June 27 debate were set up to never allow more than two.
26 June, 2024
Frank Barry
Bloomberg Editor Frank Barry: 'We've Designed a Government for Dysfunction, Polarization, and Extremism'
Bloomberg editor and author Frank Barry bought an RV and drove across the Lincoln Highway, the first transcontinental highway to connect the coasts, to explore the diverse landscape and people of the United States. 
24 June, 2024
New Poll Shows Kennedy Tied with Biden in Utah; Will Appear in First Debate?
For the first time in decades, an independent presidential candidate has caught up to one of the two establishment parties in a statewide poll.
17 June, 2024
As the 2024 Election Draws Closer, Independent Voters Defy Partisan Expectations
Gallup has found that even as the US gets closer to November, the percentage of Americans that identify as independent has remained unchanged – at around 45%
04 June, 2024
2024 ballot
Pew: Half of US Voters Would Replace Trump AND Biden on the Ballot If Given Chance
US voters are largely unhappy with the options the two major parties have given them in the 2024 presidential election. While Hillary Clinton says these voters need to get over themselves, Pew Research has found that she is talking to most of the country.
25 April, 2024
Independent Voter Guide to the South Carolina GOP Presidential Primary
The South Carolina Republican presidential primary is scheduled for Saturday, February 24. It's an open primary, meaning any registered state voter can participate as long as they did not vote in the February 3 Democratic presidential primary.
20 February, 2024
Over 23.5 Million Independent Voters Are Disenfranchised in 2024 Primaries, Study Finds
As the US kicks off the 2024 presidential election cycle, more than 23.5 million registered independent voters find themselves sidelined by closed presidential primaries in 22 states, a recent report from the Unite America Institute reveals.
13 February, 2024
two parties
Imperiling Democracy: The Two-Party System is Automating Voter Choice
As critical thinking skills become increasingly important in the era of artificial intelligence, our two-party political system is imperiling both democracy and the American workforce by automating voter choice, decreasing the value of human input and serving as a Chat GPT for everyday political conversations.
06 February, 2024
Bucking Historic Trends, Independent Voter ID Goes Up in 'High Stakes' Election Year
Independent voters are sending a message to the Republican and Democratic Parties: We are done playing your games.
31 January, 2024
Poll: La. Lawmakers Dismantle Nonpartisan Elections Supported by Two-Thirds of Voters
Louisiana, voters witnessed their legislature not only ignore their opinions on something as important as voter rights -- but lawmakers also spit in their faces.
23 January, 2024
major parties
Gallup: Independent Numbers Dominate; Parties Continue to Slip
Gallup reports that in 2023 the percentage of US voters who self-identified as independent tied a record-high average of 43% -- first set in 2014. Meanwhile, party identification continues to slip. 
13 January, 2024
Pew: Only 4% of Americans Think US Political System Is Working 'Very Well'
US voters in greater numbers than ever before do not trust the political process. In fact, according to a comprehensive study from Pew, “just 4% of U.S. adults say the political system is working extremely or very well.”
16 October, 2023
Nonpartisan Voters Now Outnumber Democrats and Republicans in Nevada
The latest voter registration data in Nevada shows that nonpartisan voters have surpassed registered Democrats as the largest voting demographic in the state – a development that highlights the need for more representative elections for voters outside the major parties.
07 August, 2023
From Primaries to Administration, Arizonans Support Nonpartisan Elections
Four in five Arizona voters favor a nonpartisan primary system and nearly all voters believe election officials should function in a nonpartisan manner. This is according to a survey conducted by Arizona State University’s Center for an Independent and Sustainable Democracy. 
01 August, 2023
Most Americans Fear Worse "Fake News" in 2020, Survey Finds
Most US adults are concerned about the state of US media, for various reasons, and they expect things to get worse in 2020.
11 September, 2019
Survey Finds 60% of Independent Voters Oppose Trump Impeachment
Democrats looking to make any headway in the 2020 elections might do better to keep their message positive and constructive, rather than rancorous and partisan.
25 September, 2019
Reaction Poll: Roughly 60% of IVN Readers Want A GOP Debate
There is no greater example of how the two parties control the narrative than the presidential debates, and voters want more choices.
18 October, 2019