
Search query: arkansas

Libertarian Party Scores Major Ballot Access Wins Ahead of 2018
Libertarian Party Scores Major Ballot Access Wins Ahead of 2018
There is big news for the Libertarian Party: It can add one more state where it has official party status and ballot access for the 2018 midterms.Ballot Access News reported Monday that the LP's ...
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded for another week.Then over the weekend, US lawmakers agreed to a deal tha...
New Arkansas Bill: Nonpartisan Elections Needed to Combat Partisan Extremism
New Arkansas Bill: Nonpartisan Elections Needed to Combat Partisan Extremism
Some legislators in Arkansas are joining the fight for a more open and transparent political process that includes all voters regardless of their party affiliation, or lack thereof.On March 1, State R...
Another Top-Two Bill Advances in Illinois
Another Top-Two Bill Advances in Illinois
On Wednesday, March 1, a nonpartisan, top-two bill proposed by Illinois state State Rep. Sara Jimenez (R) was assigned to Election and Campaign Finance Committee. The bill, HB3655, was originally...
Arkansas Bill Targets More Than Just Sharia Law
Arkansas Bill Targets More Than Just Sharia Law
Little Rock, AR - A state bill designed to "protect the rights and privileges granted under the Arkansas Constitution and the United States Constitution, and to declare American laws for American cour...
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
In August, just one month after the Democratic National Convention, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced the launch of Our Revolution, a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping his progressiv...
8 States Just Legalized Marijuana for Recreation or Medicinal Purposes
8 States Just Legalized Marijuana for Recreation or Medicinal Purposes
In a watershed electoral victory for drug policy liberalization in the United States, an astounding eight states voted to legalize marijuana for recreational or medicinal purposes Tuesday.That’s an es...
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Why stick with third party and independent candidates in November, if Clinton and Trump have a combined 80% of the electorate in all major polls? In an election season that is anything but usual, one ...
At Least 8 States Will Have Marijuana on the Ballot in November
At Least 8 States Will Have Marijuana on the Ballot in November
Marijuana legalization is an issue gaining traction and popularity in the United States, a fact highlighted by the increase in ballot measures nationwide to legalize the drug for either recreatio...
Will Millennials Ever Get Behind Clinton or Trump?
Will Millennials Ever Get Behind Clinton or Trump?
As the 2016 U.S. presidential election draws nearer, millennials across the nation are coming to terms with the fact that Bernie Sanders' nomination just isn't likely. With the free-thinking, progress...