
Search query: new york

ACLU Jumps Into The "Full Voter Participation Act" Fray
ACLU Jumps Into The "Full Voter Participation Act" Fray
San Diego, CA- The scramble to make sure the Full Voter Participation Act (FVPA) makes it onto the November General election ballot continues with new twists.The measure would do for the county w...
How a Young Socialist Used Closed Primaries to Defeat a 10-Term Incumbent
How a Young Socialist Used Closed Primaries to Defeat a 10-Term Incumbent
It was a shocking blow to the Democratic establishment Tuesday when 10-term US Rep. Joe Crowley (NY-14) was defeated in the primaries by 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Crowley is not ...
A Tough, But Compassionate Proposal to Fix the Two-Party Immigration Disaster
A Tough, But Compassionate Proposal to Fix the Two-Party Immigration Disaster
The president’s policy of separating immigrant families from their children at the border is an appalling reaction to an immigration problem that both parties helped create. It goes against every valu...
Top Pollsters Admit: Third Parties Get the Shaft Because of Bias, Desire for Ratings
Top Pollsters Admit: Third Parties Get the Shaft Because of Bias, Desire for Ratings
One of the biggest obstacles for any independent or third party candidate is being ignored by the polls. The media, debating commissions, and voters all look at polls to assess any race, and candidate...
Congress Demands Answers: Pentagon Stonewalls on Child Sex Abuse
Congress Demands Answers: Pentagon Stonewalls on Child Sex Abuse
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - Earlier this year, an investigation by the Associated Press revealed a disturbing sexual assault problem on some of the nation’s military bases around the world. Since the initi...
Unrig the System? Reform Association Solicits “Breakthrough Projects” that Challenge Both Parties
Unrig the System? Reform Association Solicits “Breakthrough Projects” that Challenge Both Parties
The impressive momentum for progress in national electoral reform projects and campaigns owes much to the influential recent wins and viable initiatives underway across the country, including:Maine vo...
Lessons Learned from DC's Minimum Wage Vote
Lessons Learned from DC's Minimum Wage Vote
In the midst of all the national attention to the immigration crisis, voters in our Nation’s Capital went to the polls on Tuesday to vote on an initiative to eliminate the tipping exemption and raise ...
All Blame, No Leadership: How Two-Party Warfare Created This Humanitarian Crisis
All Blame, No Leadership: How Two-Party Warfare Created This Humanitarian Crisis
Last night as I pulled out of the driveway with my 10-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter in the truck, an NPR story was running the audio of crying kids at a border detention facility. I usuall...
OPINION: Both Parties Have Exploited Racism for Political Gain
OPINION: Both Parties Have Exploited Racism for Political Gain
Throughout slavery, Reconstruction and the movement for civil rights, African Americans in the U.S. have faced racism, social disparities, and oppression. While things have advanced for us significant...
Former Presidential Candidate Discusses Nation’s Preeminent Slumlord
Former Presidential Candidate Discusses Nation’s Preeminent Slumlord
In the latest episode of "Deconstructed," IVN Principal Political Analyst TJ O'Hara talks with Dr. Lenora Fulani, the first African American independent and first female presidential candidate to qual...