Unite America: Extreme Minority Rule in America Is Worse Than You Think

Photo by Kamran Abdullayev on Unsplash. Unsplash+ license obtained by author.
Created: 08 Oct, 2024
3 min read

Photo Credit: Kamran Abdullayev / Unsplash


The Unite America (UAI) Institute released new analysis Tuesday that found that less and less US voters (down to 7%) are deciding nearly 90% of US House races in taxpayer-funded primary elections. What’s more, the gap between these numbers is widening.

Earlier this year, UAI published research that looked into the 2022 elections. The organization found that because so many districts are drawn to be safe for one party or the other, 83% of US House races were already over before voters cast a ballot in the November election.

And, only 8% of eligible voters decided the outcome of these elections. 

Less than a month from the 2024 general election, UAI now reports that fewer voters are getting the final say in more elections. The latest analysis shows that 380 out of the US House’s 435 seats were decided in low turnout party primaries by approximately 18.1 million Americans.

In other words, 7% of eligible voters have decided 87% of US elections.

“These numbers speak to the despair many Americans have that their vote does not seem to matter,” said Unite America Executive Director Nick Troiano in a press statement. Troiano is also the author of the book, The Primary Solution.

“But with a record number of open primary initiatives on the ballot this November, our movement is proving it doesn’t have to be this way.”

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Troiano is referring to ballot measures in six states and the District of Columbia that would open primary elections to independent voters, and in the six states would end party primaries in favor of a system in which all voters and candidates participate, regardless of party. 

LEARN MORE: The Independent Guide to 6 States (Plus DC) That Could Pass Fairer Elections in 2024

Unite America is part of a coalition of sponsors, including the Independent Voter Network, for an upcoming Virtual Rally for Open Primaries where voters can hear from and speak to the campaigns spearheading a diverse array of primary reform proposals in 2024. 

“We have an opportunity to usher in a new era of politics where all voters’ voices matter and where our leaders represent a true majority — not just the 7% who determine party primaries,” Troiano added.

Unite America describes itself as a nonpartisan "philanthropic venture fund that invests in nonpartisan election reform to foster a more representative and functional government."

Registration trends show voters are increasingly moving away from party labels in favor of being independent. These voters are barred from participating in closed partisan primaries, which in 2024 accounted for 15.7 million registered independent voters in 15 states.

UAI found that the number of voters who are denied the right to vote in these taxpayer-funded elections has increased 20% over the last decadeBut the organization also reports that it’s not just registered independent voters who don't have a meaningful voice in US elections.

In 169 safe US House districts, there was only one candidate on the 2024 primary ballot. This means that 101 million voters – 40% of the electorate – in the US, including members of the majority party in these districts as well as voters outside the majority party, were denied any say in their representation in Congress.

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Unite America stated that “America’s Primary Problem, which has gotten worse each election cycle since 2020, underscores the urgent need for election reform.”

UAI has tracked this data since the 2020 election cycle, during which its analysis found that 10% of Americans elected 83% of Congress. The trend voters are seeing is redefining what extreme minority rule looks like in US elections. Get more information from the full UAI report here.

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