
Search query: new hampshire

NEW POLL: New Hampshire Voters Broadly Support Bipartisan "Unity Ticket" for President
NEW POLL: New Hampshire Voters Broadly Support Bipartisan "Unity Ticket" for President
In just over a year, voters in New Hampshire will participate in the first in the nation presidential primary and play an instrumental role in narrowing the field of candidates for the 2020 elect...
OPINION: Kasich Should Run for President as a Reformer
OPINION: Kasich Should Run for President as a Reformer
Ohio Gov. John Kasich is leaning strongly toward running for president in 2020 as a third-party candidate -- the wisest course for him. But if he does, he should make systemic political refo...
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: "Seriously Thinking of How I Can Best Serve Our Country"
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: "Seriously Thinking of How I Can Best Serve Our Country"
San Diego, Calif.- With 2020 in mind, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard made a trip to Exeter, New Hampshire and made comments that's sparking more speculation that the congresswoman from Hawaii is seriously mu...
2018 Primaries Were Indeed Historic - For Good and Bad Reasons
2018 Primaries Were Indeed Historic - For Good and Bad Reasons
The 2018 primary season will go down in history.A record number of women secured party nominations, including the headline-making upsets by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna...
10 Facts About Donald Trump You Didn't Know
10 Facts About Donald Trump You Didn't Know
1. 2016 Wasn't The First Time Donald Trump Ran for PresidentIn 2012, Donald Trump made a brief appearance in the Republican primary, dipping his toe into the water, so to speak, and getting an idea fo...
Loyalty Oaths and Party Primaries: Why It's Time to Abandon Party-Centric Elections
Loyalty Oaths and Party Primaries: Why It's Time to Abandon Party-Centric Elections
In New Hampshire’s 1st district race for U.S. Congress, the Republicans recently had a little brouhaha over a loyalty oath. Candidate Eddie Edwards was not allowed to participate in the GOP ...
9 States Where Registered Independents Outnumber Both Major Political Parties
9 States Where Registered Independents Outnumber Both Major Political Parties
Millions of voters are not just choosing to self-identify as independent of the two major parties, they are dumping their party registrations in droves.In about half the states that register voters by...
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
Earlier this year, Utah and Washington quietly joined 14 other states that have eliminated the use of registration deadlines as a final cutoff to be able to vote. The congruent actions of a red s...
Voter Suppression: How Politicians Are At War With Your Vote
Voter Suppression: How Politicians Are At War With Your Vote
Voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from voting and is different from political campaigning.Campaigning attempts to change...
Orange County's "Bitcoin Candidate" Wants to Represent Disruptive Tech in Congress
Orange County's "Bitcoin Candidate" Wants to Represent Disruptive Tech in Congress
2018 may see the first "bitcoin candidate" elected to Congress.Many political candidates are jumping on the opportunity to raise campaign funds by accepting donations in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin,...