
Search query: alaska

Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential Elections Headed to Maine Governor's Desk
Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential Elections Headed to Maine Governor's Desk
AUGUSTA, MAINE - Ranked choice voting for the 2020 presidential primary and to determine Electoral College votes is on its way to the desk of Maine Governor Janet Mills. The State Senate passed the ra...
6 Big Fights Against Voter Suppression That Neither Party Wants You To Know About
6 Big Fights Against Voter Suppression That Neither Party Wants You To Know About
There is one important truth about the state of US politics, and that is an increasing number of Americans understand that the system is rigged to put the interests of two private political parties an...
DNC Debate Exclusions Are Arbitrary and Anti-Democratic
DNC Debate Exclusions Are Arbitrary and Anti-Democratic
Detroit, MI – Increasing uproar over the Democratic Party’s arbitrary debate exclusions reveals questions about the party’s democratic values.Out of 25 major candidates vying to be the Democratic nomi...
2020 and Beyond: The View from County Road T
2020 and Beyond: The View from County Road T
For the last several years, I’ve been spending time in rural Wisconsin in a small farmhouse set on 130 heavily-wooded acres on County Road T, Polk County. This is the northwestern Wisconsin of hardscr...
10 Nonpartisan Organizations to Watch in 2020
10 Nonpartisan Organizations to Watch in 2020
There are hundreds, literally hundreds of organizations and individual campaigns working right now to fix the myriad of problems that face our political and electoral processes -- from the local to th...
Michigan Voted to End Partisan Gerrymandering; Are Partisan Primaries Next?
Michigan Voted to End Partisan Gerrymandering; Are Partisan Primaries Next?
As a business owner and lifelong resident of Michigan, I am proud to have stood with so many of my fellow citizens soliciting signatures for days and weeks on end to get the “Nonpartisan Redistricting...
Organizations, Lawmakers Push for Open Primaries as Crowded 2020 Field Emerges
Organizations, Lawmakers Push for Open Primaries as Crowded 2020 Field Emerges
The 2020 presidential field is already taking shape. Nine Democrats have announced their campaigns since December, many of whose announcements went under the radar because the lack of media coverage:P...
Quick Take: 2018 Saw The Highest Midterm Turnout Since Universal Suffrage
Quick Take: 2018 Saw The Highest Midterm Turnout Since Universal Suffrage
The 2018 midterms saw the highest turnout in a non-presidential national election since universal suffrage. This historic high stands in stark contrast to the 2014 midterms which saw the lowest t...
Here is Everywhere Nonpartisan Reform Won Big in 2018
Here is Everywhere Nonpartisan Reform Won Big in 2018
SAN DIEGO, CALIF. - The biggest story in the 2018 election cycle was not what color of wave we saw. It was not President Donald Trump using the Ecuadorian immigrant caravan as a campaign issue. It was...
The Two-Party Duopoly Just Forced Out America’s Only Independent Governor
The Two-Party Duopoly Just Forced Out America’s Only Independent Governor
There is only one governor in the US with an "I" next to their name: Alaska Governor Bill Walker. However, Walker announced late Friday that he has suspended his bid for re-election -- citing the...