
Search query: arizona

The 8 Worst Ballot Access Laws in America
The 8 Worst Ballot Access Laws in America
To have their voices heard and enact change, citizens are urged to use their vote. But how can America's population be truly represented when, in some states, it is nearly impossible for independent o...
Will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Primary Victory Really Shake Up Party Control?
Will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Primary Victory Really Shake Up Party Control?
A thrilling victory by a young insurgent candidate, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, against a 20-year incumbent and party boss, US Rep. Joseph Crowley, in the June 26 New York primary seems to be reverberat...
Is the Arizona GOP at War with the Libertarian Party?
Is the Arizona GOP at War with the Libertarian Party?
Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Kevin McCormick is officially off his party's primary ballot. He was the only libertarian candidate still in the race, until Arizona GOP Chair Jonathan Lines c...
New TV Doc: Grassroots Rebellion Takes over American Politics
New TV Doc: Grassroots Rebellion Takes over American Politics
WASHINGTON – If like most Americans you’re angry that our democracy feels broken, that elections are being corrupted by billionaire and corporate money, and that politicians are rigging elections thro...
Arizona GOP Tries to Rob Libertarian Kevin McCormick Out of Ballot Spot
Arizona GOP Tries to Rob Libertarian Kevin McCormick Out of Ballot Spot
ARIZONA - Republicans in Arizona are trying to rob Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Kevin McCormick of a spot on the ballot. This is in spite of the fact that he has submitted the second-most signa...
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
A wise man once said, “Those who make the rules, rule.” Today, we wonder whether the current rules of voting and governing can deliver any kind of progress.An important rules question was on the ballo...
May Was A Monumental Month for Independents
May Was A Monumental Month for Independents
It’s been a while! However, no matter how little we’ve written about independent candidates and organizations over the past month, actions continue to be taken by those who look to change the two...
Former Mass. Governor Bill Weld Endorses Kevin McCormick, Candidate for AZ Governor
Former Mass. Governor Bill Weld Endorses Kevin McCormick, Candidate for AZ Governor
Former Republican Governor of Massachusetts Bill Weld has endorsed Libertarian Kevin McCormick for Governor of Arizona.The announcement comes as McCormick is on the campaign trail, driving home his me...
AZ Independent Required to Get 6x the Signatures as Major Party Candidates
AZ Independent Required to Get 6x the Signatures as Major Party Candidates
Too much of a good thing can easily be a bad thing.Too much water leads to water intoxication.Too much working out leads to rhabdomyolysis.Too many antibiotics lead to drug-resistant superbugs.And fin...
Voter Suppression: How Politicians Are At War With Your Vote
Voter Suppression: How Politicians Are At War With Your Vote
Voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from voting and is different from political campaigning.Campaigning attempts to change...