City of San Diego Election 2020 Results

San Diego County's latest results of the 2020 general election are in. As of 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, with 82.2% of votes counted, the results are below. Asterisks indicate the declared winner. See the latest results by visiting the Registrar's website.
Todd Gloria: 342,182
Barbara Bry: 268,303
City Attorney
*Mara Elliot: 375,060
Cory Briggs: 187,791
City Council District 1
*Joe LaCava: 42,105
Will Moore: 26,848
City Council District 3
*Stephen Whitburn: 48,549
Toni Duran: 28,393
City Council District 5
Marni Von Wilpert: 43,219
Joe Leventhal: 37,961
City Council District 7
Raul Campillo: 39,875
Noli Zosa: 32,532
City Council District 9
*Sean Elo-Rivera: 26,301
Kevin Barrios: 15,589
RELATED: What to Expect on Election Day
Measure A: General obligation bonds for affordable housing
Yes: 359,853
*No: 267,696
The measure failed to receive two-thirds of voter approval
Measure B: Establishing commission on police practices
*Yes: 461,276
No: 156,845
Measure C: District-only elections for school board members
*Yes: 303,403
No: 133,985
Measure D: Procedures to remove school board members for cause and to fill vacancies
*Yes: 379,179
No: 62,939
Measure E: Removing 30-foot height limit in Midway-Pacific Highway Community
Yes: 346,139
No: 264,981
To see the full results from San Diego County, go to
To see the full results from the state of California, go to