
Search query: north carolina

Despite Reform Gains, Partisan Interests Still Largely Control Redistricting Process
Despite Reform Gains, Partisan Interests Still Largely Control Redistricting Process
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on The Fulcrum and has been republished on IVN with permission from the publisher.‍Next year's redistricting landscape is, at best, a mixed bag for good...
Trump Is Right About Rigged Elections, But Maybe Not The Way You Think
Trump Is Right About Rigged Elections, But Maybe Not The Way You Think
The 2016 election seems like a distant memory from a lifetime ago. But 2020 isn't really qualitatively different, just more of what 2016 was. We're seeing that wild year's ghosts of partisanship in ov...
How Educational Inequities Begin the Moment a Child Is Born
How Educational Inequities Begin the Moment a Child Is Born
This is the first in a two-part series. Check back with IVN San Diego next week for the next columnMore than 50 years have passed since the groundbreaking Equality of Educational Opportunity Coleman R...
Early Voting Trends Show Dems Falling Short in 3 out of 4 Battleground States
Early Voting Trends Show Dems Falling Short in 3 out of 4 Battleground States
Editor's Note: This opinion piece originally appeared in The Hill, and has been republished on IVN with permission from the author.‍Polling indicates Joe Biden and the Democrats will win big. How...
How VotePact Gives You Leverage Over the Duopoly
How VotePact Gives You Leverage Over the Duopoly
VotePact is a voting strategy that advocates that people vote for their actual preferences by pairing up with someone on the other side of the Democratic-Republican divide. So people can strategically...
19 States Where It Is Never Too Late to Register to Vote
19 States Where It Is Never Too Late to Register to Vote
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on The Fulcrum and has been republished on IVN with permission from the publisher.‍October is the last chance for most Americans to register if the...
Workout Workaround: How Gyms are Getting Themselves Reclassified as ‘Essential’
Workout Workaround: How Gyms are Getting Themselves Reclassified as ‘Essential’
As the pandemic forced Terry Delamater’s two Bakersfield-area fitness centers to shut down for months, the pharmacist-turned-gym-owner in desperation turned to his county supervisor for help. Maybe, D...
These 34 States Are Making Voting Easier ahead of November
These 34 States Are Making Voting Easier ahead of November
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on The Fulcrum and has been republished on IVN with permission from the publisher.‍Voting in the presidential election ends in 40 days, and states ...
Following the Money on San Diego's 101 Ash Street
Following the Money on San Diego's 101 Ash Street
Incredible investigative work1 by Dorian Hargrove and the NBC7 investigative team laid out how City of San Diego officials allowed a questionable land deal to go through that generated significant pro...
New Poll: Way More Voters Want to Cast a Ballot Early in 2020
New Poll: Way More Voters Want to Cast a Ballot Early in 2020
Editor's note: This article originally appeared in The Fulcrum and has been republished on IVN with permission from the publisher. ‍The coronavirus pandemic has already changed how millions of Am...