
Search query: new york

Who’s Really Behind the Fight for Better Elections?
Who’s Really Behind the Fight for Better Elections?
The democracy reform movement is having a moment right now. There are campaigns all across the country fighting gerrymandering, corruption, voter suppression, and plurality voting.Because of this, we ...
How VotePact Gives You Leverage Over the Duopoly
How VotePact Gives You Leverage Over the Duopoly
VotePact is a voting strategy that advocates that people vote for their actual preferences by pairing up with someone on the other side of the Democratic-Republican divide. So people can strategically...
4 Questions for Barbara Bry, Todd Gloria as Mayoral Foes Start Final Sprint
4 Questions for Barbara Bry, Todd Gloria as Mayoral Foes Start Final Sprint
Under overcast skies before 8 a.m. Saturday, volunteers queued up at the United Labor Center in Mission Valley to pick up Todd Gloria campaign literature and lawn signs. Also goody bags with snacks an...
Shutting Down The Two-Party Duopoly Is on the Ballot in 2020
Shutting Down The Two-Party Duopoly Is on the Ballot in 2020
On October 21, US billionaire businessman Mark Cuban tweeted that the duopoly he would shut down “in a nanosecond” if he could was the Republican and Democratic Parties, asserting that their anti-comp...
Replacing Cash Bail: Fairer Justice or Robopocalypse?
Replacing Cash Bail: Fairer Justice or Robopocalypse?
California is either about to right decades of inequality between rich and poor defendants by eliminating cash bail, or it’s about to turn over its justice system to robots. The question of what to do...
No More Half-Measures on Homelessness—Vote ‘Yes’ on Measure A
No More Half-Measures on Homelessness—Vote ‘Yes’ on Measure A
This is an independent opinion. Have one of your own? Email it to hoa@ivn.usMost San Diegans think homelessness is getting worse and they say the city is to blame. The coronavirus pandemic makes homel...
10 (Tongue-in-Cheek) Tips for Surviving a Never-Ending Election Night 2020
10 (Tongue-in-Cheek) Tips for Surviving a Never-Ending Election Night 2020
This is an independent opinion. Have one of your own? Email it to hoa@ivn.usIn a country suffering from pandemic-induced time distortion, try to remember that national elections are held on the first ...
How Colorado Became the Nation's Model for Vote by Mail Elections
How Colorado Became the Nation's Model for Vote by Mail Elections
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on The Fulcrum and has been republished on IVN with permission from the publisher. All across the country, the consistent theme of this presidentia...
Building Toward a Brighter Future For San Diego Women
Building Toward a Brighter Future For San Diego Women
This is an independent opinion. Have one of your own? Email it to hoa@ivn.usThe COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing recession have forced Californians and San Diegans to grapple with a new reality. Dail...
Minority-Owned Dry Cleaners See Business Dry Up
Minority-Owned Dry Cleaners See Business Dry Up
When the Iranian Revolution broke out in 1978, Sassan Rahimzadeh’s family made its way to the U.S., escaping the violence that killed thousands of people and toppled the regime of Shah Mohammed Reza P...