
Search query: virginia

The Majority Has Spoken (Again and Again): It’s Time To End The Electoral College
The Majority Has Spoken (Again and Again): It’s Time To End The Electoral College
Raise your hand if you think that the president of the United States should be elected by the popular vote. Ah, it looks like most of you do. Hands down and know that you’re not alone.In fact, poll af...
Desglosando la Democracia: Movimientos No-Partidistas en el Foco
Desglosando la Democracia: Movimientos No-Partidistas en el Foco
Estamos a menos de una semana del Día de las Elecciones, dando cierre a una contienda presidencial que ha dado a los votantes dos de los candidatos más rechazados y desconfiados en la historia moderna...
All the Tweets and All the Money Still Can't Beat a Good Ground Game
All the Tweets and All the Money Still Can't Beat a Good Ground Game
In a 21st century world filled with modern technological marvels that spread information far and wide instantaneously, a campaign's physical ground game is still the surest way for a candidate to win ...
Nonpartisan Elections May Be Coming to a Key Battleground State
Nonpartisan Elections May Be Coming to a Key Battleground State
Virginia Delegate Sam Rasoul has introduced new legislation that would implement a nonpartisan, top-two primary similar to California's new election system passed in 2010 under Proposition 14 (au...
WATCH: How Third Parties and Independents Get Ballot Access
WATCH: How Third Parties and Independents Get Ballot Access
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65AZr335FWcWe over at Third Candidates took time this summer and fall to learn more about the process independent and third party candidates go through in order to...
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Why stick with third party and independent candidates in November, if Clinton and Trump have a combined 80% of the electorate in all major polls? In an election season that is anything but usual, one ...
The Transpartisan, Grassroots Movement to Overturn Citizens United is Gaining Serious Momentum
The Transpartisan, Grassroots Movement to Overturn Citizens United is Gaining Serious Momentum
In recent years, there have been several top-down attempts to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United. That decision, made in 2010, birthed legal entities known as super PAC...
Political Exclusion Breeds Extremism, and Inhibits Respect
Political Exclusion Breeds Extremism, and Inhibits Respect
Breaking the Frame of RespectTo solve societal problems, we need civil discourse, and effective reasoning. Reasoning and civil discourse cannot be had without respect.In order to function with respect...
Post-Citizens United, Is Foreign Money Pouring into Our Elections?
Post-Citizens United, Is Foreign Money Pouring into Our Elections?
Federal law states that foreign governments, corporations, and individuals cannot spend money on elections in the United States. Yet following the Citizens United decision in 2010, some – in...
On The Issues: Where Each Presidential Candidate Stands on TPP
On The Issues: Where Each Presidential Candidate Stands on TPP
While it is debatable whether Americans largely approve of joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – the massive free trade agreement comprising 11 other countries -- it is undeniable th...