
Search query: west virginia

Virginia Republican: "Ranked Choice Voting Most Superior Voting Method in US"
Virginia Republican: "Ranked Choice Voting Most Superior Voting Method in US"
 In an op-ed for the online site “The Bull Elephant,” Caroline County (Va.) Republican Party member Steven Brodie Tucker writes, “Ranked Choice Voting, or Instant Run-Off Voting, is by far the mo...
SCOTUS Renders Its Own "State of the Union" in Janus Decision
SCOTUS Renders Its Own "State of the Union" in Janus Decision
SAN DIEGO, CALIF. – The United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Janus v. AFSCME may serve as a landmark decision. While traditional media outlets and the Democratic establishment are already discredit...
Reaction: Maxine Waters, Political Privilege and Midterms
Reaction: Maxine Waters, Political Privilege and Midterms
Maxine Waters has lost the plot. She has enjoyed the life of the privileged political class for twenty-eight years and has just been caught out. However illuminating her call for harassment may be, Ma...
Sole DC GOP Candidate: I Strongly Support Nonpartisan Open Primaries
Sole DC GOP Candidate: I Strongly Support Nonpartisan Open Primaries
On June 19, residents of the District of Columbia can vote in one of four party primaries: Democratic, Libertarian, DC Statehood Green, or Republican. The party with the fewest candidates in the prima...
Journalist Jordan Chariton: What I Learned Starting An Anti-Mainstream Media Company
Journalist Jordan Chariton: What I Learned Starting An Anti-Mainstream Media Company
From December 2015 when I began as The Young Turks first-ever reporter in the field to two and a half years later, I was fortunate enough to grow an audience by showing the stories of the downtrodden:...
Politics for the People Book Club: The Secrets of Mary Bowser
Politics for the People Book Club: The Secrets of Mary Bowser
Editor's note: this article was co-authored by Cathy Stewart (introduction) and Caroline Donnola (main article).The Politics for the People (P4P) Book Club brings together independent-minded Amer...
National Week of Conversation: Historic Movement Shatters Partisan Barriers
National Week of Conversation: Historic Movement Shatters Partisan Barriers
Did you participate in the National Week of Conversation?The Bridge Alliance, along with 100 sponsoring organizations, community organizers, elected officials, and more, held hundreds of events -- pub...
Expert: 12 Things You Need To Know Now About Your Data
Expert: 12 Things You Need To Know Now About Your Data
Americans are angry about the apathetic approach to our online data security by our state and federal governments, as well as tech giants. Repeatedly our data is compromised. The thieves are sometimes...
"Declaration of Independents": A Candidate's Scathing Indictment of Two-Party Duopoly
"Declaration of Independents": A Candidate's Scathing Indictment of Two-Party Duopoly
Independents and the political establishment are keeping a close eye on what is happening in Kansas this year. Greg Orman, a successful business leader and entrepreneur, is running as an independ...
Independent Voters: We’re Not a Myth! And We Care!
Independent Voters: We’re Not a Myth! And We Care!
These days there’s a lot going on in the world of independent politics. More to the point, it’s now accurate to say that there is a “world” of independent politics.This is a recent development because...