
Search query: massachusetts

Jobs, not wars
Jobs, not wars
Many in this nation are growing increasingly concerned about the national debt and foreign policy of the United States.  As a result, CAIVN would like to share a portion of Marcy Winograd's recen...
Independents are transforming American politics
Independents are transforming American politics
First, it was GOP victories in the gubernatorial elections of Virginia and New Jersey.  Just last month, it was the senatorial election of Scott Brown who claimed a historic Republican victory in...
California legislators should focus on the deficit, not costly government-run healthcare
California legislators should focus on the deficit, not costly government-run healthcare
“If you get breast cancer, I’m sorry honey; you have less chance of survival than before this bill passed.” Those words were declared by Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers six months ago during his open...
Republicans may surprise Democrats in 2010 elections
Republicans may surprise Democrats in 2010 elections
California, a Republican bastion?!  Don’t act so shocked, it’s happened before.Remember a certain two-term, incredibly popular Republican President of the United States, whose name is still so po...
A Tale of Two Tea Parties
A Tale of Two Tea Parties
First there was a "Tea Party" whose members said they did not care about party, but principle. They railed against corporate America's tax-funded bailouts, they demanded more transparency at the highe...
Possible political danger for CA Democrats
Possible political danger for CA Democrats
In a bizarre series of recent events within the political world, Massachusetts citizens elected themselves a moderate Republican senator in a liberal fortress, thus ending the Democratic supermajority...
Laying down the gauntlet?
Laying down the gauntlet?
Despite recent electoral events in Massachusetts, California Democrats voted to push forward a highly controversial proposal to establish a single-payer, state-run healthcare system. Governor Schwarze...
Call her Senator...for now
Call her Senator...for now
Having just dealt the national Democratic party a solid blow with the election of Scott Brown, Republican candidates have great reason to feel sizable bits of triumphalism. The incursion of a conserva...
Independents are dictating the pace
Independents are dictating the pace
Independent voters continue to set the tone across America.  In last night's upset GOP victory in the Massachusetts special election, independents made their presence felt as they shocked the Dem...
Schwarzenegger: Republican Climate Protector?
Schwarzenegger: Republican Climate Protector?
I’ve previously written that Schwarzenegger’s state failures on state parks, recycling, funding public education, opposing teachers, nurses and firefighters (not to mention his failures on abortion ri...