
Search query: vermont

GALLUP: Record High 64% Support Marijuana Legalization
GALLUP: Record High 64% Support Marijuana Legalization
A Gallup poll published Wednesday shows record support for marijuana legalization in the US. According to Gallup, support is at 64 percent, up 4 points from last year and 14 points compared to 2011.Th...
Howard Dean: Both Parties Driving Younger Voters to Be Independents
Howard Dean: Both Parties Driving Younger Voters to Be Independents
Dr. Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont, and a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004, recently had some sobering words for the two major political parties in the...
The Morning Report: July 21, 2017
The Morning Report: July 21, 2017
Senate Republicans threw a curveball into the complicated Obamacare repeal vote. The GOP introduced yet another amendment to their bill to replace the Affordable Care Act.The new version, posted on a ...
FBI, Feds Step Up Sanders Investigation
FBI, Feds Step Up Sanders Investigation
A story in the Washington Post says the federal investigation into a land deal led by Jane Sanders, the wife and political adviser of Sen. Bernie Sanders, has accelerated.Prosecutors have reportedly h...
National Popular Vote Compact Makes Huge Inroads in Another State
National Popular Vote Compact Makes Huge Inroads in Another State
Ballot Access News reported Wednesday that the Oregon State House passed a bill that would add Oregon to the National Popular Vote Compact (NPVC). The plan is simple: Each state that joins the NP...
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded for another week.Then over the weekend, US lawmakers agreed to a deal tha...
OPINION: Nonviolent Ex-Felons Should Have Their Voting Rights Restored
OPINION: Nonviolent Ex-Felons Should Have Their Voting Rights Restored
Democracy In AmericaMany view voting as a right, but others view it as a privilege. The United States is a nation abundant with laws that unquestionably deny many citizens certain rights, and felon di...
Will California be the First State to Have Universal Healthcare?
Will California be the First State to Have Universal Healthcare?
As much of the country waits to see what will happen to the Affordable Care Act, two lawmakers in California decided to wage a preemptive strike by introducing SB 562 which would “establish a com...
Bernie Sanders: An Independent In Name Only?
Bernie Sanders: An Independent In Name Only?
I voted for Bernie Sanders.Not because I’m a liberal. Not for any particular ideological reason, actually.I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary because, to me, he represented the only real challen...
The Revolution Within: Berniecrats Take Over California Democratic Party
The Revolution Within: Berniecrats Take Over California Democratic Party
In December, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi told CBS’s Face the Nation that she didn’t think people wanted a new direction for the Democratic Party. But recently, voters in California sent Pelos...