
Search query: ohio

Today's News Tips: June 29, 2012
Today's News Tips: June 29, 2012
 Today's News Tip Sheet. The Independent Breakdown of Today's News.Colbert Gives Fox and CNN a Thorough Shellacking for Yesterday’s Coverage POLITICO – Dems Could Still Blow it on Health Car...
Politicians & Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Politicians & Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
The overwhelmingly popular emergence of social media has created an additional layer of transparency in the political world. Facebook and Twitter, two of the most popular social networking sites, have...
Reaction Statements to SCOTUS Health Care Decision
Reaction Statements to SCOTUS Health Care Decision
Today the Supreme Court upheld the health care reform's Affordable Care Act. As is to be predicted, politicians had strong reactions both for and against the act.President Obama’s main rival in the No...
'Voters First' Initiative on Redistricting Sends Mixed Signals
'Voters First' Initiative on Redistricting Sends Mixed Signals
Political redistricting is an issue that stirs up partisan bickering like no other. Each side wants to draw up the districts in a way that ensures the best possible scenario for their continued p...
Larry Lucchino & Camden Yards
Larry Lucchino & Camden Yards
On April 6, 1992, the first major league game was played at Oriole Park at Camden Yards, ushering in a new era for Baltimore and its beloved O’s. From the day it opened through Sunday’s game with the ...
Veepstakes: Vital Statistics for Top 10 Frontrunners
Veepstakes: Vital Statistics for Top 10 Frontrunners
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, has yet to announce the selection of his vice president candidate. Such an announcement is not expected before the Republican National Convent...
Live Blogging Barack Obama's Address to Latino Leaders
Live Blogging Barack Obama's Address to Latino Leaders
With CSPAN on in the background waiting for President Obama's address to NALEO this afternoon, which I will be live-blogging here, so keep refreshing this page over the next hour, here is one ABC News...
Fact Checking Obama/Romney Speeches
Fact Checking Obama/Romney Speeches
Yesterday, both President Obama and Mitt Romney delivered dueling economic speeches in battleground Ohio. Today, The Washington Post has an extensive fact checking analysis of both campaign speeches. ...
Top 12 Tweets From The Ohio Speech Showdown
Top 12 Tweets From The Ohio Speech Showdown
Today in the swing state of Ohio, Mitt Romney and President Obama scheduled competing economic speeches at the same time. Gov. Romney’s speech, which lasted 18 minutes, started a little early to make ...
In Other Economic News...
In Other Economic News...
Thinking of having a child? Better have some serious cash.The Department of Agriculture released their annual "Expenditures on Children by Families" on Thursday, detailing the cost of raising a child ...