
Search query: wisconsin

Maricopa recall signal a change in Arizona politics
Maricopa recall signal a change in Arizona politics
There’s a new level of political theater that’s premiered in America, and it’s not primary season – it’s recall season.  While the national focus has been on the recall of six Wisconsin Republica...
Has the libertarian moment arrived?
Has the libertarian moment arrived?
A libertarian-leaning sentiment is on the rise in the country, which may be attributed in part to the culture of digital personalization that's become so embedded in our way of life. With inventions s...
Brown's proposed budget finds less room for agriculture
Brown's proposed budget finds less room for agriculture
As part of his attempt to cover a $25 billion deficit over an 18 month period, Governor Brown plans to cut funding for state farm programs. In his 2011-2012 budget proposal, Brown has asked agricultur...
On breaking unions, states filing bankruptcy, and public pension underfunding
On breaking unions, states filing bankruptcy, and public pension underfunding
During the Great Depression, Congress passed an act saying states and municipalities could file for bankruptcy. The law was challenged and part of it was overturned by the Supreme Court in 1936 in Ash...
Tea Party 2012: separating the contenders from the pretenders
Tea Party 2012: separating the contenders from the pretenders
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum made waves this week when he told Politico that there are no real Tea Party candidates in the 2012 mix. "There isn't a single candidate running for presi...
Prop 14, California's open primary measure, is already beginning to exert its influence
Prop 14, California's open primary measure, is already beginning to exert its influence
While Proposition 14, California’s new open primary law, doesn’t take effect until June 2012, it’s still influencing this November’s elections. The measure, opposed by both the state Democratic and Re...
States' rights movement sweeping across America
States' rights movement sweeping across America
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s quest to convince the federal government to put-up-or-shut-up by paying California an additional $6.9 billion he says the state needs to carry out Washington D.C. imposed ...