
Search query: new mexico

Libertarian Party Candidate Gary Johnson Has a Message for Voters With an Axe to Grind
Libertarian Party Candidate Gary Johnson Has a Message for Voters With an Axe to Grind
This weekend, former two-term Governor of New Mexico and Libertarian presidential candidate, Gary Johnson appeared on MSNBC’s Weekends with Alex Witt. Kicking off the segment with Johnson’s latest web...
Our Curiously Ineffective War on Drugs
Our Curiously Ineffective War on Drugs
The much ballyhooed war on drugs in the United States is a failure. Our prisons are filled with low level drug users but drug cartels hardly ever get broken up. Meth is a scourge, devastating families...
Independent Overview: CA Primary Preliminary Results
Independent Overview: CA Primary Preliminary Results
With 100% of precincts now reporting, it appears that California's first statewide test of its new top two open primary system did not result in higher levels of voter turnout, as had been predicted b...
Florida Governor Rick Scott Puts State’s Innocence Commission to Death [CORRECTED]
Florida Governor Rick Scott Puts State’s Innocence Commission to Death [CORRECTED]
Florida holds the dubious honor of wrongfully convicting the largest number of innocent people put on death row. Since 1973, the Sunshine State wrongfully incarcerated and released twenty-three people...
Gerrymandering: Securing Control through Years of Partisan Redistricting
Gerrymandering: Securing Control through Years of Partisan Redistricting
Every ten years, district lines are redrawn following an updated US Census report. Whether at the state or federal level, partisan legislators have always redrawn the lines based on the reports. Out o...
Gary Johnson's Popularity Grows, Can He Make a Difference In 2012?
Gary Johnson's Popularity Grows, Can He Make a Difference In 2012?
Libertarian presidential candidate and former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson's popularity despite his third party affiliation and lack of national press continues to grow. A new poll of 500 voter...
Alternative Candidates in Majority of Gov, Senate & House Races
Alternative Candidates in Majority of Gov, Senate & House Races
One of the most enduring myths in US politics is the assertion that there are no alternatives to the candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties. Many would-be voters who are fed up with the f...
Swing States Crucial for Presidential Race
Swing States Crucial for Presidential Race
 One of the enduring oddities of the American political landscape remains the electoral college, the antiquated system that makes selective states disproportionately important to the election pro...
Mexican Immigration Reverses: More Mexicans Leaving The US Than Entering, Study Finds
Mexican Immigration Reverses: More Mexicans Leaving The US Than Entering, Study Finds
According to a new study from the Pew Research Center, Mexican immigration has slowed dramatically over the last decade, and net migration may have even gone negative. That’s right, Mitt Rom...
Gary Johnson and Third Parties: Why The Two-Party System Fears Them
Gary Johnson and Third Parties: Why The Two-Party System Fears Them
Ever since Ralph Nader's infamous impact on the 2000 presidential election, both the Democratic and Republican parties have feared an influential third party candidate. While third parties provide hop...