
Search query: new jersey

The ignominy! New Jersey commercial solar tops California
The ignominy! New Jersey commercial solar tops California
The Solar Energy Industries Association has just rained on California's renewable energy photo voltaic (PV) parade with the distressing news (PDF) that New Jersey's commercial PV projects now exceed C...
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
The average age of farmers and ranchers in America is increasing, and rural populations are in decline. This is why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is acting to plant a new crop of much needed agri...
California moves America closer to national popular vote
California moves America closer to national popular vote
In a little-noticed move in late August, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation that would award all of California's electoral votes in presidential elections to whichever candidate wins the n...
Agua Caliente, the world's largest solar project, currently under construction
Agua Caliente, the world's largest solar project, currently under construction
The U.S. Department of Energy has finalized a $967 million loan guarantee for a 290 MW solar photovoltaic plant on 2400 acres between Yuma and Phoenix. The Aqua Caliente project is now the w...
Texas Governor Rick Perry claims he can win over California's Independents and even some Democrats in presidential run
Texas Governor Rick Perry claims he can win over California's Independents and even some Democrats in presidential run
With a field of eight Republican presidential challengers in Iowa this week, Texas Governor Rick Perry (reported to soon declare his candidacy) claims he can reach across the partisan divide and win o...
California legislature endorses National Popular Vote
California legislature endorses National Popular Vote
Governor Jerry Brown is expected to provide a huge boost to the progressive anti-Electoral College movement with his signature on AB 459, the National Popular Vote law. The highly controversial bill, ...
California places 48th in national freedom index
California places 48th in national freedom index
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University has published an update and a revision of a 2007 study entitled “Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom”. The report analyze...
Marin paves the way for further expansion of local renewable energy
Marin paves the way for further expansion of local renewable energy
PG&E fought against it, but Marin Clean Energy prevailed and now residents there can choose renewable energy via Community Choice Aggregation. Under Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), c...
New poll reveals most Americans still favor labels on genetically modified foods
New poll reveals most Americans still favor labels on genetically modified foods
According to an MSNBC poll, 96 percent of respondents strongly favor the labeling of genetically modified foods. Over 40,000 people participated in the survey which is the latest in a series of nation...
California second in farmland loss due to excessive real estate development
California second in farmland loss due to excessive real estate development
Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Resources Inventory has been analyzed by the American Farmland Trust (AFT), an agricultural conservation group working to aid farmers, ranchers ...