
Search query: vermont

The Florida Problem: Recounts Matter, but Don't Bet on Different Results
The Florida Problem: Recounts Matter, but Don't Bet on Different Results
We need to talk about Florida.The Sunshine State is holding three statewide recounts: for governor, U.S. senator, and state agricultural commissioner. (This does not count the three other recounts in ...
The Uses of Independent Power: What Happened on Election Day and Why
The Uses of Independent Power: What Happened on Election Day and Why
This is my post-election column where I analyze the impact of independent voters who came out in force last Tuesday, almost 34 million of us. Huge. The stats and takeaways are at the end of this colum...
Safer Roads, Bigger Privacy Concerns: A Primer on Self-Driving Cars and Transportation Policy
Safer Roads, Bigger Privacy Concerns: A Primer on Self-Driving Cars and Transportation Policy
I. The State of Self-Driving Car Technology and The PossibilitiesIn the 1990 film, Total Recall (starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone), the protagonist played by the now former governor of ...
The DNC Just Made A Historic Reform to Its "Superdelegates"
The DNC Just Made A Historic Reform to Its "Superdelegates"
Democrats at the DNC voted overwhelmingly on Saturday by voice vote to approve historic measures that will limit the role of its so-called "superdelegates" in future Democratic presidential nominating...
Pink Wave vs Independents
Pink Wave vs Independents
It's been called The Year of the Woman, the apex of the #metoo movement, and the height of #timesup. And the sheer number of female candidates running for Congress is commonly referred to as the ...
Why Can't The Media See Independent Voters?
Why Can't The Media See Independent Voters?
Nearing the two year mark since the shocking 2016 presidential election result devastated both the Democratic and Republican Party power structures, liberal mainstream media journalists are still stuc...
You Thought Superdelegates Were Bad? DNC Invents Even More Ways to Block Bernie 2020
You Thought Superdelegates Were Bad? DNC Invents Even More Ways to Block Bernie 2020
Now the Democrats can end Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign before it even begins.In an unanimous vote on June 8, the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee gave the Democratic Party the power to block Se...
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
A wise man once said, “Those who make the rules, rule.” Today, we wonder whether the current rules of voting and governing can deliver any kind of progress.An important rules question was on the ballo...
May Was A Monumental Month for Independents
May Was A Monumental Month for Independents
It’s been a while! However, no matter how little we’ve written about independent candidates and organizations over the past month, actions continue to be taken by those who look to change the two...
GOP Rep. Roskam: Pharmacy Gag Order is "Indefensible"
GOP Rep. Roskam: Pharmacy Gag Order is "Indefensible"
Rep. Peter Roskam thinks corporate drug pricing practices are “outrageous,” “indefensible” and “won’t stand up to scrutiny” that his Congressional sub-committee may give them.Roskam, a Republican from...