
Search query: new mexico

Bridging the Gender Gap: 4 States Have Yet to Send a Woman to Congress
Bridging the Gender Gap: 4 States Have Yet to Send a Woman to Congress
With International Women’s Day this past weekend, across the world there were displays of support for women. In Montevideo, Uruguay, the government dedicated a stamp to Luisa Cuesta, who has fought fo...
New York Dream Act to Open Tuition Programs for Illegal Immigrants
New York Dream Act to Open Tuition Programs for Illegal Immigrants
In December 2010, the Dream Act, which passed the House a few months earlier, failed in the U.S. Senate. Attempts to reintroduce the legislation emerged in 2013, but those too fell short.As national e...
Yes, Putin Is Like Hitler—but So Was James K. Polk
Yes, Putin Is Like Hitler—but So Was James K. Polk
I broke my own rule this week and compared somebody to Hitler. It was only a little argumentum ad nazium. I suggested that Russian’s recent move to seize the largely Russian-speaking Crimean region of...
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
It seems that in every cycle there is debate about which states should hold the first presidential primary elections. Some state always seems to try to jump ahead of Iowa and New Hampshire. Since 1972...
Raising Wages in Mexico Could Sharply Reduce Illegal Immigration, Experts Say
Raising Wages in Mexico Could Sharply Reduce Illegal Immigration, Experts Say
One of the benefits sold by former U.S. President Bill Clinton to approve the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993 was that the agreement would reduce illegal immigration substantially....
Are Gender Quotas a Possibility in the U.S.?
Are Gender Quotas a Possibility in the U.S.?
In November 2013, John Marshall, a prominent libertarian in Montana, submitted a proposal to amend the state constitution and require gender quotas in the Montana state legislature. If accepted, the a...
10 Values That Make You An American
10 Values That Make You An American
Recently in my political science class, my professor started out the lecture by asking: “What makes a person an American citizen?” Besides a few orthodox answers regarding citizenship (green-card, doc...
How Do I Vote? Everything You Need to Know by State
How Do I Vote? Everything You Need to Know by State
Table of Contents State-by-state Information How Do Primaries Work? Partisan v. Nonpartisan Closed (Partisan) Semi-Closed (Partisan) Open (Partisan) Open (Nonpartisan) Variants of Traditional Election...
Obama to Reform NSA Spying Programs
Obama to Reform NSA Spying Programs
On Friday, President Obama spoke before the Department of Justice to comment on his administration's internal review of intelligence programs used by the National Security Agency. The administra...
What Are the Different Types of Primary Elections?
What Are the Different Types of Primary Elections?
Primaries first began in the early twentieth century as a response to increasingly strong party control over elections. At the time, voters wanted a larger say in who would be chosen as their candidat...