
Search query: georgia

Peachy Open Primary? What Non-partisan Primaries Would Mean for Georgia
Peachy Open Primary? What Non-partisan Primaries Would Mean for Georgia
Walter Jones of the Savannah Morning News examines the possibility of California's new open primary system as electoral reform in Georgia.The idea is that allowing independents and members of both maj...
GOP Primary Proves Establishment Can No Longer Ignore Paul Supporters
GOP Primary Proves Establishment Can No Longer Ignore Paul Supporters
While the mainstream media has Governor Mitt Romney’s nomination as a lock, Dr. Ron Paul continues to accumulate delegates at a healthy pace. So many delegates, in fact, the Republican parties in more...
Agriculture & Voters Keen on Guest Worker Program
Agriculture & Voters Keen on Guest Worker Program
 Attempts to tackle comprehensive immigration reform at the state level has wounded agriculture and exposed an unavoidable issue for farm-state lawmakers seeking election in 2012. Because U.S. ci...
Mexican Immigration Reverses: More Mexicans Leaving The US Than Entering, Study Finds
Mexican Immigration Reverses: More Mexicans Leaving The US Than Entering, Study Finds
According to a new study from the Pew Research Center, Mexican immigration has slowed dramatically over the last decade, and net migration may have even gone negative. That’s right, Mitt Rom...
Farm Labor Shortage Looms
Farm Labor Shortage Looms
 When the nation's farmers started experiencing labor shortages last year they didn't know what to expect for the future; for many, the situation was without precedent. Early indicators for the 2...
The Number One Worst Polluter on Earth Is... The U.S. Federal Government
The Number One Worst Polluter on Earth Is... The U.S. Federal Government
With Earth Day coming up this weekend, it might be helpful to remember that the worst polluter on planet Earth is not a major corporation, but the United States federal government, and if we're going ...
Approval Voting: A Voice for Independents
Approval Voting: A Voice for Independents
We Have a Representation ProblemAmerica hates Independents. At least it gives that impression. Independents take just two of the 535 seats in Congress and only 20 of these outsiders sit among the nati...
The Primary Problem
The Primary Problem
The primary season is more than half over, and with former-Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney all but assured the nomination of the Republican Party (especially now that former-Pennsylvania Senat...
State of the GOP Race: On To Pennsylvania
State of the GOP Race: On To Pennsylvania
 Former Gov. Mitt Romney won handily in Wisconsin, Maryland and DC primaries on Tuesday. There are a couple conclusions born out of results in Wisconsin, in particular. As the primary race drags ...
Backyard Chickens Take Off With Small-Scale Poultry Operations
Backyard Chickens Take Off With Small-Scale Poultry Operations
While his grandchildren compete to find the most Easter eggs this weekend, Lawrence Paul of Palm Harbor, Florida will be on an egg hunt of his own. Part of a growing movement of suburban chicken-keepe...