
Search query: colorado

Election Integrity Commission: Partisan Politics? Or Real Reform?
Election Integrity Commission: Partisan Politics? Or Real Reform?
Last week, President Trump signed an executive order to establish a commission that will investigate possible voter fraud and voter suppression in the American election system.The executive order outl...
Colorado One Step Closer to Implementing Open Primaries
Colorado One Step Closer to Implementing Open Primaries
On Monday, the Colorado State Senate approved SB 305, a bill that guides the secretary of state on how to write the rules for the state's open primary system, approved by voters under Propos...
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded for another week.Then over the weekend, US lawmakers agreed to a deal tha...
Debriefing Democracy: 5 Takeaways in Nonpartisan News This Week
Debriefing Democracy: 5 Takeaways in Nonpartisan News This Week
From the ongoing legal battle against the Commission on Presidential Debates to taking nonpartisan election reform to the nation's largest battleground state, here are 5 key stories on election and po...
GOP Chairman Candidate Doesn’t Understand Law, Facts He Uses To Argue Against Open Primaries
GOP Chairman Candidate Doesn’t Understand Law, Facts He Uses To Argue Against Open Primaries
In November of last year, voters in Colorado passed two election reform measures aimed at their June elections. Proposition 107 established presidential primaries in Colorado (previously the state had...
IVN Podcast: Libertarian Party Chair Talks Core Principles and Current Issues
IVN Podcast: Libertarian Party Chair Talks Core Principles and Current Issues
This week meet the party whose mantra is “good ideas don’t have to be mandatory.”Host T.J. O’Hara is joined by the Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark. The two discuss the Libertaria...
Former Sen. Gary Hart Has Dire Warnings About Future of US Foreign Policy
Former Sen. Gary Hart Has Dire Warnings About Future of US Foreign Policy
Former Senator Gary Hart, who co-chaired the United States Commission on National Security, spoke last Friday at a luncheon of The Denver Forum.Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, in introducing the ...
Testimony: Maine Voters Deserve Open Elections, More Choice
Testimony: Maine Voters Deserve Open Elections, More Choice
I'm Joe Pickering Jr, representing Mainers for Open Elections, a new corporation. We support LD 78. Maine Voters should vote in any election without the label "unaffiliated voter." We t...
Will California be the First State to Have Universal Healthcare?
Will California be the First State to Have Universal Healthcare?
As much of the country waits to see what will happen to the Affordable Care Act, two lawmakers in California decided to wage a preemptive strike by introducing SB 562 which would “establish a com...
The Young Justice: Meet Donald Trump's Pick to Replace Justice Scalia
The Young Justice: Meet Donald Trump's Pick to Replace Justice Scalia
President Donald Trump announced Tuesday evening that his pick to fill the late Justice Antonin Scalia's vacant seat on the Supreme Court is Judge Neil Gorsuch. Gorsuch, 49, currently serves on the Te...