American Promise: Fighting for a 28th Amendment

Created: 11 Jul, 2017
Updated: 17 Oct, 2022
2 min read

We’ve all heard there’s a need to get money out of politics. But what’s not discussed as often are the details of how to go about doing so.

Enter the 28th amendment. In the past few years, a movement has begun to add a 28th amendment to the US Constitution. The amendment would be aimed at limiting the influence of money over our political process and reserving constitutional rights for human beings, not corporations.

Just over a year ago, an organization called American Promise launched with the goal of getting a 28th amendment ratified. They support statewide and local actions that advance the 28th amendment movement, including ballot initiatives, state level resolutions, and local resolutions.

American Promise supports, connects, and amplifies the efforts of citizen leaders all across the country to engage in this historic fight for political equality. To date, 19 states and almost 800 localities have passed resolutions calling for a 28th amendment.

In Colorado, residents passed a statewide ballot initiative in 2012 with over 70 percent (74%) of the vote that urged the CO congressional delegation to support a 28th amendment. And while this was a non-binding resolution, American Promise strongly believes there needs to be a mechanism in place for some congressional accountability.

Ben Gubits, Associate Director of American Promise, says, “Citizens of Colorado voted for this five years ago and there are still six members of Colorado’s congress who have not signed on to support an amendment resolution, despite the direct mandate from the people.”

He says his organization wants to implement a congressional accountability program in Colorado so that legislators follow the people’s mandate and step up to become champions on this issue.

In addition, American Promise is leading a “Ready to Ratify” campaign in states like Colorado that have called for the amendment.  They will be engaging citizens from cities and towns all across Colorado to pass local resolutions calling on Congress to follow the voter instruction from the 2012 statewide ballot initiative.

American Promise is a proud member of the coalition of reform organizations behind "Unrig the System," an event aimed at reforming Colorado politics. Find out more by watching the video below or by visiting

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