
Search query: michigan

The Summer of Our Discontent
The Summer of Our Discontent
Lately, I’ve been glued to my laptop watching CNN news clips from 1999, when Donald Trump was weighing a possible presidential run in the Reform Party. “Everybody wants me to run for President …” he t...
Students Invent Gerrymander Board Game And It's Taking Off
Students Invent Gerrymander Board Game And It's Taking Off
Three siblings from Austin, Texas are set to make cash off of gerrymandering. No, they're not running for office; they're creating a board game called Mapmaker that educates people about the very...
Voters Not Politicians: Citizens-Led Campaign Scores Victory in Anti-Gerrymandering Fight
Voters Not Politicians: Citizens-Led Campaign Scores Victory in Anti-Gerrymandering Fight
In the latest episode of "In Full Color," I talk with Katie Fahey, the founder and executive director of Voters Not Politicians. Voters Not Politicians -- which started from a single Facebook post -- ...
Partisan Attempt to Kill Anti-Gerrymandering Measure Fails in Michigan
Partisan Attempt to Kill Anti-Gerrymandering Measure Fails in Michigan
The Michigan Supreme Court in a 4-3 ruling Tuesday rejected a constitutional challenge brought by a GOP-backed group and the state attorney general to remove an initiative from the November ballot tha...
New Anti-Gerrymandering Ad Calls Two-Party Scheme a "National Disgrace"
New Anti-Gerrymandering Ad Calls Two-Party Scheme a "National Disgrace"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SFm-w9-Ky0Voters Not Politicians recently launched a new ad for their proposed ballot measure (Proposition 2) to institute a nonpartisan redistricting commission in Mi...
15 Ways the Independent Revolution is Taking Over America
15 Ways the Independent Revolution is Taking Over America
The independent and nonpartisan reform movements have never seen the momentum they are seeing today. Voters are ditching the Republican and Democratic Parties in droves. A record number of independent...
Florida Reformers Launch Petition Drive to Get Nonpartisan Primaries on the 2020 Ballot
Florida Reformers Launch Petition Drive to Get Nonpartisan Primaries on the 2020 Ballot
Advocates of the nonpartisan, top-two open primary system are collecting signatures to get the reform on the 2020 ballot in Florida. The effort comes after the Florida Constitutional Revision Commissi...
SCOTUS Renders Its Own "State of the Union" in Janus Decision
SCOTUS Renders Its Own "State of the Union" in Janus Decision
SAN DIEGO, CALIF. – The United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Janus v. AFSCME may serve as a landmark decision. While traditional media outlets and the Democratic establishment are already discredit...
New TV Doc: Grassroots Rebellion Takes over American Politics
New TV Doc: Grassroots Rebellion Takes over American Politics
WASHINGTON – If like most Americans you’re angry that our democracy feels broken, that elections are being corrupted by billionaire and corporate money, and that politicians are rigging elections thro...
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
A wise man once said, “Those who make the rules, rule.” Today, we wonder whether the current rules of voting and governing can deliver any kind of progress.An important rules question was on the ballo...