
Search query: massachusetts

Recreational Marijuana is Now Officially Legal in Nevada
Recreational Marijuana is Now Officially Legal in Nevada
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Cn1zB7610Nevada became the fifth state in the nation -- joining Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington -- to legalize the use and sale of recreational mar...
Despite What You've Heard, Single-Payer in California is Very Affordable
Despite What You've Heard, Single-Payer in California is Very Affordable
The California Senate passed legislation earlier this month to implement a single-payer health care system. The bill's passage was warmly received by progressives, but others have raised concerns abou...
WATCH: Want to Expand Voter Rights? Support Ranked Choice Voting
WATCH: Want to Expand Voter Rights? Support Ranked Choice Voting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItsE_Xk-Z_sVideo Credit: VoterChoiceMA, June 9, 2017Voter Choice Massachusetts Executive Director Adam Friedman made one thing clear to Massachusetts Democrats: If...
Britain is Berning
Britain is Berning
The name of the group couldn’t have been more appropriate considering the circumstances: “Momentum.”Theresa May and her conservative wing were in control of the electorate. Ready to not only exercise ...
National Popular Vote Compact Makes Huge Inroads in Another State
National Popular Vote Compact Makes Huge Inroads in Another State
Ballot Access News reported Wednesday that the Oregon State House passed a bill that would add Oregon to the National Popular Vote Compact (NPVC). The plan is simple: Each state that joins the NP...
"Rising Star": Author of New Book Discusses Obama's Road to the Presidency
"Rising Star": Author of New Book Discusses Obama's Road to the Presidency
IVN's A Civil Assessment host T.J. O’Hara interviews David Garrow on his new book, Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, released this month.David discusses Obama before his politica...
Ending Political Corruption: Mass. Communities Rally
Ending Political Corruption: Mass. Communities Rally
Massachusetts citizens from across the political spectrum are working together to fight corruption and fix a broken political system. Local members of Represent.us, the nation’s largest grassroots, no...
Comey's Firing: Clintonian, NOT Nixonian
Comey's Firing: Clintonian, NOT Nixonian
The last 24 hours in Washington has brought to bare a political name and time in our country’s history that makes most shudder.Before his dismissal, FBI Director James Comey was leading probes into Tr...
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded for another week.Then over the weekend, US lawmakers agreed to a deal tha...
Ranked Choice Voting Gets Largest Support Ever from Mass. Lawmakers
Ranked Choice Voting Gets Largest Support Ever from Mass. Lawmakers
A total of 31 lawmakers in Massachusetts are co-sponsoring  H. 2897, which would allow towns, municipalities, and cities to use ranked choice voting for their local elections....