
Ending Political Corruption: Mass. Communities Rally

Created: 18 May, 2017
Updated: 17 October, 2022
2 min read

Massachusetts citizens from across the political spectrum are working together to fight corruption and fix a broken political system. Local members of Represent.us, the nation’s largest grassroots, non-partisan, anti-corruption campaign, are trying to pass dozens of anti-corruption resolutions in cities, towns, and counties across the state.

According to Represent.us, 21 communities in Massachusetts have already passed these resolutions, which call on elected officials at the state level to pass sweeping anti-corruption reform and support the national American Anti-Corruption Act. The stated goal of the state and federal anti-corruption acts is to stop political bribery, end secret money, and fix the electoral system.

“We have received incredibly positive, non-partisan support for these resolutions, and town representatives have overwhelmingly voted in favor of them,” said Anne Taylor, spokesperson for Represent Boston.

To give some background into this grassroots effort, Massachusetts received a "D+" grade two years ago in "The State Integrity Investigation," a corruption risk assessment conducted by the independent, nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity. For members of Represent.us, this is unacceptable, and now they are working together to solve the problem.

“It’s time we stop letting our political leaders vote according to their own best interests and demand that they focus on ours instead,” said Steve Weissman, another spokesperson for Represent Boston.

Twenty-one communities have approved these anti-corruption resolutions. Six local resolutions still await a vote. Leaders into the anti-corruption movement, along with their friends and families, have participated in town hall meetings to boost awareness and support for these efforts.

“I attended my first town meeting a few weeks ago and was humbled, honored and totally wowed by what I experienced. You can’t get a purer, more direct democracy that this,” said Reed Schimmelfing, Represent Western Mass Chapter Leader. “In communities large and small across Massachusetts, people are rising up with their families and friends to fix our corrupt political system and empower others to do the same.”

The six communities still to vote on the resolutions are:

  • Williamsburg
  • North Andover
  • Swampscott
  • Southampton
  • Charlemont

Charlemont is scheduled to be the final vote in this cycle. The vote is scheduled for May 24.

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Represent Western Mass and Represent Boston are the two Massachusetts chapters of Represent.us. According to the organization, it "brings together conservatives, progressives and everyone in between to pass anti-corruption laws that stop political bribery, end secret money and fix our broken elections. There are over 8,000 Represent.Us members in MA and over 660,000 national members."

Photo Source: Represent.us

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