San Diego City Council Gives Green Light For City Pot Dispensaries

Author: Jeff Powers
Created: 01 Feb, 2017
Updated: 21 Nov, 2022
1 min read

San Diego, CALIF.- San Diego is moving quickly to legalize recreational pot.

On Tuesday, the San Diego City Council unanimously agreed to allow the sale of recreational marijuana at 15 dispensaries.

The Council also opened up the possibility for pot farms, manufacturing facilities and testing labs.

San Diego is the first local jurisdiction to approve recreational marijuana sales since state voters approved Proposition 64 in November. No other cities in the county have indicated they intend to follow suit.

The sales of recreational pot will begin when statewide regulations in Sacramento are completed. That should be finished sometime before next January.

Council members also agreed to approve regulations for certain byproducts of the drug, such as edibles. But those regulations are on hold due to concerns of the San Diego Police Department over crime and other potential problems.

The quick trigger by the City Council is likely related to money. City revenues from recreational marijuana San Diego could be as much as $30 million per year.

San Diego voters also approved Measure N on November 8. The local tax on recreational marijuana would start at 5 percent and rise to 8 percent by July 2019.

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