
Search query: new mexico

The November Election Is Going to Be Close -- It's Okay If We Don't Know the Winner on Election Night
The November Election Is Going to Be Close -- It's Okay If We Don't Know the Winner on Election Night
Close and contested elections are a part of American history, and the upcoming presidential election will likely continue this tradition.
Georgia Election Board Is Taking Election Certification in the Wrong Direction
Georgia Election Board Is Taking Election Certification in the Wrong Direction
For a democracy to function, one simple, central fact must be clear to all: who won. There is no disagreement about the winner of the Super Bowl or the Olympic gold medal in the shot put, and the same should be true for election results. But in polarized America, we’ve lost that clarity and public consensus.
It's Time to Stop Confusing the Symptom with the Problem
It's Time to Stop Confusing the Symptom with the Problem
It’s time to talk about how President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential campaign is related to our broken political system. This failing system got us to the point where we had the two major party candidates rejected by 70 percent of the electorate, according to most polls.
What Is RFK Jr's #AmericaStrong Platform?
What Is RFK Jr's #AmericaStrong Platform?
With less than 100 days until the November elections, the Republican and Democratic Parties have ramped up their attacks against the other side in hopes of gaining some political advantage – but the tactics in the 2024 cycle have been unorthodox to say the least. 
RFK Jr Defeats DNC Challenge in North Carolina to Appear on Ballot
RFK Jr Defeats DNC Challenge in North Carolina to Appear on Ballot
The North Carolina Board of Elections reversed an initial decision not to give independent candidate Robert F Kennedy's 'We the People' party ballot access in November.
Kennedy's Campaign Says It Has Gathered Signatures Needed for 27 States
Kennedy's Campaign Says It Has Gathered Signatures Needed for 27 States
The last couple of weeks have been eventful for independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr, who may not have been invited to the CNN presidential debate but continues to rack up ballot access victories across the US.
Biden's Problem with Independents: His Party Is Constantly Insulting Them
Biden's Problem with Independents: His Party Is Constantly Insulting Them
Biden is connected to the Democratic Party. In fact, he is the Democratic Party. And there is no organization more oblivious to how it ignores and disrespects independent voters than the Democratic Party.
Harry Kresky: An Independent Hero
Harry Kresky: An Independent Hero
The independent reform movement has lost a champion, but his work is sure to live on. Harry Kresky, a renowned election law and civil rights attorney, author, poet, and activist passed away on March 1...
Report: 6-in-10 New Voters Register Unaffiliated in States that Suppress Independent Voters
Report: 6-in-10 New Voters Register Unaffiliated in States that Suppress Independent Voters
Mounting research continues to show the real truth behind independent voter suppression in several states across the US.
Virtual Discussion: Fighting For Open Primaries in Democratic Strongholds
Virtual Discussion: Fighting For Open Primaries in Democratic Strongholds
When the subject of voting rights is brought up on the national stage, the Democratic Party is portrayed as the party that expands access to the ballot and fights voter suppression tactics on all ...