
Search query: georgia

An Electoral Tie: It Could Happen, But What Happens If It Does?
An Electoral Tie: It Could Happen, But What Happens If It Does?
The 2024 presidential election is considered extremely tight and much like the 2020 election will be decided by less than 100,000 votes in a small handful of states – if polling is any indication of the state of the election.
Real or Exaggerated: Is the 2024 Election the Most Important in US History?
Real or Exaggerated: Is the 2024 Election the Most Important in US History?
In the United States, elections–and the governments they produce–are lagging indicators of public sentiment. Elections simply provide a quantitative measure of what the voters believe. The governments that emerge from elections merely establish order and discipline with respect to those policies and approaches that have already been emotionally and intellectually pioneered and adopted by the American people.
The November Election Is Going to Be Close -- It's Okay If We Don't Know the Winner on Election Night
The November Election Is Going to Be Close -- It's Okay If We Don't Know the Winner on Election Night
Close and contested elections are a part of American history, and the upcoming presidential election will likely continue this tradition.
Georgia Election Board Is Taking Election Certification in the Wrong Direction
Georgia Election Board Is Taking Election Certification in the Wrong Direction
For a democracy to function, one simple, central fact must be clear to all: who won. There is no disagreement about the winner of the Super Bowl or the Olympic gold medal in the shot put, and the same should be true for election results. But in polarized America, we’ve lost that clarity and public consensus.
Does Partisanship Have Too Much Influence on SCOTUS?
Does Partisanship Have Too Much Influence on SCOTUS?
The Supreme Court of the United States is a unique, hybrid political-legal institution. It is staffed by life-tenured judges who interpret a centuries-old document replete with imprecise text that the justices must apply to an ever-changing society.
New Poll Shows Kennedy Tied with Biden in Utah; Will Appear in First Debate?
New Poll Shows Kennedy Tied with Biden in Utah; Will Appear in First Debate?
For the first time in decades, an independent presidential candidate has caught up to one of the two establishment parties in a statewide poll.
Report: Half of 2024 US House Races Already a Done Deal
Report: Half of 2024 US House Races Already a Done Deal
Editor's Note: The following article originally published on The Fulcrum and has been republished with permission from the publisher. Photo Credit: Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash &...
RFK Jr Still Sees Path to First Presidential Debate
RFK Jr Still Sees Path to First Presidential Debate
Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign announced Friday that Kennedy has cleared 3 of 4 polls he needs to be at 15% in order to qualify for CNN’s debate stage on June 27 -- a debate that will solely be sponsored by the cable news network. 
Adding Ranked Choice Voting to Presidential Elections Could Happen by 2028
Adding Ranked Choice Voting to Presidential Elections Could Happen by 2028
Imagine it’s election night 2024. A few close swing states will decide the presidency – and test the health of our democracy. In that scenario, we can be certain of two facts: Neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump will win a majority of the vote, and votes for independent and third-party candidates will dwarf the final margin.
How the Two-Party System Makes America Less Stable
How the Two-Party System Makes America Less Stable
When I think of Mike Johnson’s position as Speaker of the House, I can’t help but think of a salmon swimming upstream to spawn - struggling against currents and avoiding the jaws of grizzly bears only to get to his final destination and die.