
Search query: new york

Crowdfunding Health Care: It Treats The Symptom, Not The Problem
Crowdfunding Health Care: It Treats The Symptom, Not The Problem
Need some money? Why not ask the internet? Crowdfunding, a concept that could not exist without now-popular platforms like GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and Indiegogo, has replaced traditional fundraising by...
As Establishment Dems Attack Chelsea Manning, Will She Attract Maryland Independents?
As Establishment Dems Attack Chelsea Manning, Will She Attract Maryland Independents?
It was probably only a matter of time before one of the very most politically relevant– and therefore most controversial – individuals of our day would run for a seat in Congress.Chelsea Manning made ...
Gerrymandering: Two Bullies vs. The Voters
Gerrymandering: Two Bullies vs. The Voters
All eyes in political reform circles are on the Wisconsin gerrymandering case (Gill v. Whitford) argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on October 3, 2017.The case was brought by a group of Democrats ch...
71% of Florida County Voters Silenced in Dispute over Nonpartisan Elections
71% of Florida County Voters Silenced in Dispute over Nonpartisan Elections
American politicians often preach about the righteousness of this country’s democratic principles. But how can we make claims that America is a model for democracy when even local politicians are vyin...
Head Fake? GOP Rep. Darrell Issa Could Switch Districts and Remain in Congress
Head Fake? GOP Rep. Darrell Issa Could Switch Districts and Remain in Congress
Update: It's being reported that Congressman Issa could fill the void left by Congressman Duncan Hunter Jr. in the 50th Congressional District, should a grand jury file criminal charges against Hunter...
Unite Colorado Launches with Historic Slate of Independent Candidates
Unite Colorado Launches with Historic Slate of Independent Candidates
DENVER –– Unite Colorado, formerly the Colorado Centrist Project, announced its first four independent candidate endorsements for the 2018 election cycle.Unite Colorado’s SLATE OF INDEPENDENT STA...
8 Common Sense Solutions to Immigration That Go Beyond Two-Party Politics
8 Common Sense Solutions to Immigration That Go Beyond Two-Party Politics
As with many issues today, the debate on immigration is mired in partisan opposition instead of pragmatism. At one time, nearly everyone agreed that illegal immigration was a problem, but now one side...
Reality Check: Veterans Have Lost Faith in A Failing VA System
Reality Check: Veterans Have Lost Faith in A Failing VA System
The newspaper headline caught my eye. For 15 years, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA) illegally hired physicians and surgeons with revoked licenses and malpractice convictions.As an org...
Congress Is Back In Session, But It Needs to Get to Work
Congress Is Back In Session, But It Needs to Get to Work
The holidays are over and it’s back to reality. Of course, part of that reality — for better or worse — if that the politicians have made their way back to Washington, DC.To be clear, I am not suggest...
New Party, New Revolution? Let's Break the Two-Party Duopoly
New Party, New Revolution? Let's Break the Two-Party Duopoly
If you are like me, you have had enough of just about everything that America’s current political system represents, such as institutionalized and legalized corruption, nepotism, and ‘career’ politici...