
Search query: maryland

A Weekend of Conventions: IVN is Coast to Coast From CPAC to the CA Dem Conventions
A Weekend of Conventions: IVN is Coast to Coast From CPAC to the CA Dem Conventions
IVN is going to the Democrat and Republican conventions this weekend to ask the leaders of the two parties some tough questions.In San Diego, the California Democrats State Convention is being held. I...
Prominent Missouri Attorney Launches Independent Campaign for US Senate
Prominent Missouri Attorney Launches Independent Campaign for US Senate
<span data-mce-type="bookmark" style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span>Another major independent campaign officially a...
Meet The Newest Senate Candidate Taking on The Two-Party Establishment
Meet The Newest Senate Candidate Taking on The Two-Party Establishment
"The path to a bloc of independents in the Senate  Tuesday in Maryland."That’s how POLITICO’s Isaac Dovere’s reported on businessman Neal Simon’s official announcement to run for U.S. Senate...
New Energy Fuels Explosive Momentum to Elect Independents in 2018
New Energy Fuels Explosive Momentum to Elect Independents in 2018
We are seeing new energy in our campaign to elect independent candidates nationwide.The Associated Press on Thursday featured the Centrist Project's efforts to recruit and support independent candidat...
Penn. Court: Partisan Maps "Clearly, Plainly, Palpably" Violate State Constitution
Penn. Court: Partisan Maps "Clearly, Plainly, Palpably" Violate State Constitution
In an order issued on Monday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the district lines “clearly, plainly and palpably” violate the state Constitution and gave the Republican legislature until Febr...
Vermont Governor Signs Historic Marijuana Legalization Bill
Vermont Governor Signs Historic Marijuana Legalization Bill
Vermont is the first state to legalize adults’ possession and limited cultivation of marijuana legislativelyMarijuana will be legal in nine states and the nation’s capital when Vermont law takes effec...
As Establishment Dems Attack Chelsea Manning, Will She Attract Maryland Independents?
As Establishment Dems Attack Chelsea Manning, Will She Attract Maryland Independents?
It was probably only a matter of time before one of the very most politically relevant– and therefore most controversial – individuals of our day would run for a seat in Congress.Chelsea Manning made ...
Vermont Makes History with Marijuana Legalization Bill
Vermont Makes History with Marijuana Legalization Bill
Vermont is poised to become the 30th U.S. state to legalize marijuana for medical or recreational consumption, and the first state to legalize adults’ possession and limited cultivation of marijuana t...
Reality Check: Veterans Have Lost Faith in A Failing VA System
Reality Check: Veterans Have Lost Faith in A Failing VA System
The newspaper headline caught my eye. For 15 years, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA) illegally hired physicians and surgeons with revoked licenses and malpractice convictions.As an org...
What Really Matters: 4 Stories More Important Than "Fire & Fury"
What Really Matters: 4 Stories More Important Than "Fire & Fury"
Read about what really matters from the news last week. We provide you the least-biased news about current events so you can go about your day informed, not brainwashed.What to avoid: It’s going...