
Search query: idaho

One Man Stops Bipartisan Bill to De-Militarize Police after Ferguson
One Man Stops Bipartisan Bill to De-Militarize Police after Ferguson
As the protests in Ferguson, Missouri continue, the U.S. Congress recently blocked a vote on a bipartisan bill that would have restricted the transfer of military-grade weapons and vehicles to lo...
'Fixed Political Convictions' are Hurting Kansas Schools
'Fixed Political Convictions' are Hurting Kansas Schools
According to a recent report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), a think tank based in Washington, D.C., Kansas had the fourth biggest drop in per-student funding (total dollar amo...
Federal Courts to Decide Constitutionality of Ag-Gag Laws
Federal Courts to Decide Constitutionality of Ag-Gag Laws
Two federal district courts are expected to rule on the constitutionality of ag-gag laws, laws which make it illegal for undercover investigators -- often from established animal rights groups --...
Keystone May Be A Bigger Election Issue Than Some Realize
Keystone May Be A Bigger Election Issue Than Some Realize
It’s no secret that the Keystone issue is a political powder keg. Neither is it a secret that it’s a controversial topic pitting two traditional foes: environmentalists versus big oil. Very murky...
Will Millennials be the Generation to End Partisanship?
Will Millennials be the Generation to End Partisanship?
A March 7 Pew Research article found that 50 percent of Millennials consider themselves independent. When compared to the 39 percent of Gen Xers, 37 percent of Boomers, and 32 percent of Silents who s...
More Republican Governors Accept Court Rulings on Gay Marriage
More Republican Governors Accept Court Rulings on Gay Marriage
Demonstrating a national sea change in views toward same-sex marriage, Pennsylvania is the latest state to see its ban on same-sex marriage ruled unconstitutional in federal court. This time the law w...
Psychological Effects of Poverty Just As Bad As Physical
Psychological Effects of Poverty Just As Bad As Physical
For the 46.5 million Americans living below the poverty line, 16 million of which are children, life has become a consistent struggle. This struggle does not simply begin and end with monetary concern...
Pennsylvania Independents Demand Equal Access to Elections
Pennsylvania Independents Demand Equal Access to Elections
"Today, I and many other citizens of Pennsylvania will be denied the right to vote," independent Pennsylvania voter Tom Stack wrote in a letter to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "It is not because we ar...
Bipartisanship: Democratic and Republican Lawyers Work Together to Restrict Voting Rights
Bipartisanship: Democratic and Republican Lawyers Work Together to Restrict Voting Rights
Idaho attorney Gary Allen clearly recalls how he was received by state legislators when a federal district judge ruled that the state’s open primary system was unconstitutional.“I stood in front of th...
Public Opinion, Businesses May Sway AZ Governor to Veto "Religious Freedom" Bill
Public Opinion, Businesses May Sway AZ Governor to Veto "Religious Freedom" Bill
Once again, Arizona is back in the headlines, and once again, it's caused a national uproar.As the same-sex marriage debate continues to snowball in the public square, the Grand Canyon state now waits...