
Search query: connecticut

Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Why stick with third party and independent candidates in November, if Clinton and Trump have a combined 80% of the electorate in all major polls? In an election season that is anything but usual, one ...
Why Trump's 'Bowls Full of Skittles' Outright Disgusts Me
Why Trump's 'Bowls Full of Skittles' Outright Disgusts Me
On my Chinese family's side, I'm a 4th generation American. On my English family's side, one of my distant great-grandfathers was the founder of Connecticut, Thomas Hooker.As someone with part of my f...
Post-Citizens United, Is Foreign Money Pouring into Our Elections?
Post-Citizens United, Is Foreign Money Pouring into Our Elections?
Federal law states that foreign governments, corporations, and individuals cannot spend money on elections in the United States. Yet following the Citizens United decision in 2010, some – in...
50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
1. Both parties engage in and benefit from gerrymandering, the practice of redrawing district lines for partisan gain. In 2010, Republicans invested millions in statewide races to retake state legisla...
Jill Stein's Ballot Access Campaign Gets Major Boost from Bernie Defectors
Jill Stein's Ballot Access Campaign Gets Major Boost from Bernie Defectors
Green Party signature coordinators across the country are reporting an influx of Bernie Sanders supporters to the Greens' campaign. How far the new momentum will take the party in the 2...
Republican Turnout Spikes in Open Primaries; Democratic Turnout Drops
Republican Turnout Spikes in Open Primaries; Democratic Turnout Drops
FairVote has compiled and analyzed state-by-state data on voter turnout for the 2016 presidential primaries. Released today, it reviews trends in voter turnout nationally since 2000, as well...
Seeking Exposure, Third Party Candidates Begin Appearing in Presidential Polls
Seeking Exposure, Third Party Candidates Begin Appearing in Presidential Polls
A recent poll shows that presumptive nominees Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have record-high unfavorability ratings: 55 percent and 70 percent, respectively. Yet despite their unpopularity, th...
Afraid of Disunity, Party Leaders Use Fear to Discourage Support for Alternative Candidates
Afraid of Disunity, Party Leaders Use Fear to Discourage Support for Alternative Candidates
Now that the major parties have all but decided who their nominees will be – with the official nominations coming this July – leaders in both parties are eager to unify their respective base...
States with the Best, Worst Turnouts in the 2016 Primaries
States with the Best, Worst Turnouts in the 2016 Primaries
As of May 10th, 2016, more than 75% of states have held either presidential primaries or caucuses. FairVote has compiled the number of votes casts in state primaries for each candidate to this po...
An Independent's Case against Open Primaries
An Independent's Case against Open Primaries
There is little doubt that the major national parties have, on the whole, behaved atrociously this election season. On the Republican side, there have been loyalty pledges, insubstantial RNC-arra...