
Search query: kentucky

Why You Should Care that Prisoners Have Access to Higher Ed
Why You Should Care that Prisoners Have Access to Higher Ed
Access to higher education has been on the forefront of the political sphere over the past two presidential races, with both parties agreeing that students need to be educated in order to succeed in t...
Republican Rep: AHCA Could Destroy What Remains of Individual Insurance Market
Republican Rep: AHCA Could Destroy What Remains of Individual Insurance Market
House Republicans are celebrating a major victory over the Affordable Care Act (colloquially known as Obamacare). The House voted 217-213 on a repeal and replace bill Thursday. However, not every Repu...
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded for another week.Then over the weekend, US lawmakers agreed to a deal tha...
Kentucky People’s Alliance: Time for Voters to Reclaim Power Hoarded by Parties
Kentucky People’s Alliance: Time for Voters to Reclaim Power Hoarded by Parties
Two law students from the University of Kentucky have embarked on a grassroots campaign to bring direct democracy to the bluegrass state. Vince Taormina and Ryan Mosley are the co-founders of the Kent...
Darrell Issa Has Called for a Special Prosecutor for Trump and Hillary
Darrell Issa Has Called for a Special Prosecutor for Trump and Hillary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MzVZE-Mk0UU.S. Representative Darrell Issa, a Republican representing the 49th district in California, said he was not going to let the Trump-Russia accusations slide ...
Why We Have a Federal Department of Education
Why We Have a Federal Department of Education
Following her historic confirmation as Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos may find herself unemployed. A bill (H.R. 899) has already been proffered to eliminate the Department of Education. The bill,...
OPINION: Trump's Immigration Order -- The Stunning Double Standard
OPINION: Trump's Immigration Order -- The Stunning Double Standard
In the words of John Steinbeck, we are truly living in the winter of our discontent. Watching cable news, it would appear that our nation is in an existential and constitutional crisis, and there is o...
The Case for Liberal Studies in the Wake of a STEM Shortage
The Case for Liberal Studies in the Wake of a STEM Shortage
In the wake of a undergraduate shortage in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), degrees in the liberal arts and humanities have come under fire, often deemed frivolous and u...
Rand Paul Says Hillary Camp Should Take Responsibility for Sloppiness
Rand Paul Says Hillary Camp Should Take Responsibility for Sloppiness
In an interview with NPR's David Greene, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said U.S. intelligence should investigate claims that Russia tried to insert itself into the 2016 presidential election. However...
Ron Paul Republican to Challenge Independent U.S. Senator Angus King?
Ron Paul Republican to Challenge Independent U.S. Senator Angus King?
A state senator and former state director for Ron Paul's anti-establishment presidential candidacy and a rising star within the Maine Republican Party may issue a challenge to U.S. Senator Angus King ...