
Darrell Issa Has Called for a Special Prosecutor for Trump and Hillary

Author: Kaila Cooper
Created: 27 February, 2017
Updated: 17 October, 2022
1 min read


U.S. Representative Darrell Issa, a Republican representing the 49th district in California, said he was not going to let the Trump-Russia accusations slide and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions should recuse himself for an independent, special prosector should Trump be charged or suspected of wrongdoing.

"You cannot have somebody -- a friend of mine, Jeff Sessions -- who was on the campaign and who was an appointee. You are going to need to use the special prosecutor's statute and office to take, not just recuse -- you can't just give it to your deputy. That is another political appointee. You do have to do that," he said.

The announcement may have come as a surprise to some in the media and in Washington, but this is not the first time he has called for a special prosecutor on a politically charged issue. Back in mid July, Issa also called for a special prosecutor in the wake of the Hillary Clinton private email server controversy.


Rep. Issa is adamant about the necessity of a special prosecutor in various cases:


The California Republican believes that the attorney general should not have jurisdiction when partisan interests are involved. In that, Issa actually stands out from many of his Republican colleagues on Capitol Hill, though his position is popular with several Democrats.

Fellow California Republican Devin Nunes, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, denied Monday that there were any ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has also been outspoken about dropping the whole thing.

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Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

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