
Search query: arizona

Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows President Obama has a solid lead among independent voters in key swing states over presumptive Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Mitt Romney. He now polli...
Foreclosures Down, Analyst Says Sales to Follow
Foreclosures Down, Analyst Says Sales to Follow
Foreclosure activity unexpectedly dropped in February, according to a new industry report. This, after a sharp increase in foreclosures during January. Following a $25 billion settlement between all f...
Growing Skepticism Surrounds Americans Elect
Growing Skepticism Surrounds Americans Elect
 Legitimacy is integral to voters, political candidates and organizations identifying, advocating or pursuing independent solutions to the partisan deficiencies of our current political climate. ...
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
[Update - US Department of Health and Human Services website is now healthcare.gov]The Affordable Care Act, before the Supreme Court this week, includes partial elimination for “gender rating”, a prac...
Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
 Despite the efforts of the Romney campaign and media treatment of the Republican nominating process as all but wrapped up in his favor, the reality is the GOP race continues on for several reaso...
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
The US Supreme Court will hold hearings this week on a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obama’s health care plan. The lawsuit was filed by twenty six states, four small business owners, an...
LA Stop Sign Cameras Under Increasing Scrutiny
LA Stop Sign Cameras Under Increasing Scrutiny
 For the most part, Los Angeles motorists were relieved to see local authorities take down all 32 of the city's red light cameras after it was proven the traffic enforcement systems had no effect...
Do GOP Candidates Control Their Delegates?
Do GOP Candidates Control Their Delegates?
 On Lawrence O’Donnell's MSNBC show last week, spokespersons for Gingrich's Super PAC, the Santorum Campaign, and MSNBC Analyst Steve Schmidt, most recently portrayed by Woody Harrelson in HBO's ...
Elections 2012: Where Is The Immigration Reform Debate?
Elections 2012: Where Is The Immigration Reform Debate?
One hot issue in the last presidential campaign has apparently cooled to the point of nearly disappearing in 2012: immigration reform.  It remains a hot topic in certain states (Arizona in partic...
Is Blocking Development More Harmful Than Helpful?
Is Blocking Development More Harmful Than Helpful?
Business interests have long complained that California’s onerous rules and lengthy permit processes make it difficult, and sometimes impossible, to build or redevelop. Nowhere is this truer than San ...