
Search query: massachusetts

Declare Your Independence from the Two-Party Charade
Declare Your Independence from the Two-Party Charade
 In an article here at IVN yesterday, AJ Segneri asked: where is the next third party? It is a common question, especially among those who feel that a choice between a Democrat and a Republican i...
On the Campaign Trail: April 17, 2012
On the Campaign Trail: April 17, 2012
With former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum out of the primary, the dynamics of the presidential race have changed, with increased attention on the likelihood of a gen...
The Primary Problem
The Primary Problem
The primary season is more than half over, and with former-Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney all but assured the nomination of the Republican Party (especially now that former-Pennsylvania Senat...
Memories of Mike Wallace
Memories of Mike Wallace
 Most Americans knew Mike Wallace for his work on CBS’ 60 Minutes, and because of him and his remarkably talented colleagues that hour on Sunday nights became the most important hour in network t...
State of the GOP Race: On To Pennsylvania
State of the GOP Race: On To Pennsylvania
 Former Gov. Mitt Romney won handily in Wisconsin, Maryland and DC primaries on Tuesday. There are a couple conclusions born out of results in Wisconsin, in particular. As the primary race drags ...
Options Limited If Court Strikes Down 'Obamacare'
Options Limited If Court Strikes Down 'Obamacare'
 The possibility that the Supreme Court will overturn portions, if not all, of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), has brought into sharp focus the entire rationale for health care reform and the need...
Looking Outside the Two-Party Box
Looking Outside the Two-Party Box
If, as the saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results, it would stand to reason that it is long past time to seek out alternati...
'Obamacare' SCOTUS Hearings Spotlight GOP's Philosophical Incoherence
'Obamacare' SCOTUS Hearings Spotlight GOP's Philosophical Incoherence
Yesterday, the closely watched "Obamacare" proceedings at the Supreme Court focused on the issue that most commentators are calling central to the debate over the constitutionality of the Affordable C...
The Healthcare Mandate: Fed vs. State
The Healthcare Mandate: Fed vs. State
It's the talk in all of Washington at the moment and all across the country.  Probably even moreso than it was back when it was passed... healthcare (otherwise known as "Obamacare").  The Un...
'Obamacare': A Central Issue in the 2012 Presidential Election
'Obamacare': A Central Issue in the 2012 Presidential Election
In what will likely become a landmark decision, the Supreme Court of the United States has already commenced the three-day hearing on the constitutionality of the 2012 health care provision, or Afford...