
Search query: california

Not Sure About Ranked Choice Voting? League of Women Voters Explains Its Appeal
Not Sure About Ranked Choice Voting? League of Women Voters Explains Its Appeal
The voting reform with the most momentum behind it right now is ranked choice voting (RCV) -- which is increasingly being used in jurisdictions across the US.
AZ Initiative to End Partisan Primaries Survives Another Legal Challenge
AZ Initiative to End Partisan Primaries Survives Another Legal Challenge
Nonpartisan reformers know what is coming when they propose changing the way voters elect public officials. Inevitably, those who benefit from the status quo will turn to the courts to prevent voters from having a say.
RFK Jr Loses NY Ballot Access Case; Vows to Appeal 'Partisan Ruling'
RFK Jr Loses NY Ballot Access Case; Vows to Appeal 'Partisan Ruling'
Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr will not appear on the New York ballot, a judge ruled Monday. 
New Research: Populism A Key Factor with Cross-Partisan Support for Alaska's Top 4 Elections
New Research: Populism A Key Factor with Cross-Partisan Support for Alaska's Top 4 Elections
New research shows that the nonpartisan Top 4 system used in Alaska not only has broad support among Republicans, Democrats, and independents, but in 2022 elected candidates in statewide elections that had appeal that went beyond their party.
Should Americans Question Whether the Supreme Court Has Grown Too Powerful?
Should Americans Question Whether the Supreme Court Has Grown Too Powerful?
Throughout history, criticism of the Supreme Court has come from political factions opposed to the substance of its decisions rather than their constitutionality.
Believe It or Not, There Are Still Several States That Haven't Held Their Primaries Yet
Believe It or Not, There Are Still Several States That Haven't Held Their Primaries Yet
These elections are important as they will, in many cases, decide the ultimate winner of the elections held because of state and district demographics and how electoral districts have been drawn to favor the majority party.
Arizona's Make Elections Fair Act: It's Not About Ranked Choice Voting
Arizona's Make Elections Fair Act: It's Not About Ranked Choice Voting
The Arizona Free Enterprise Club filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of a ballot initiative that would require state lawmakers to adopt a primary system that allows all voters and candidates, regardless of party, to participate on a single ballot.
Shouldn’t Officials Who Oversee Their Own Elections Be Able to Recuse Themselves?
Shouldn’t Officials Who Oversee Their Own Elections Be Able to Recuse Themselves?
Imagine a judge learning that the trial she’s just been assigned involves criminal charges against her husband’s company or a lawsuit against her child. It’s clear what would happen: The judge would recognize that she faces a conflict of interest and recuse herself from the case.
What Is RFK Jr's #AmericaStrong Platform?
What Is RFK Jr's #AmericaStrong Platform?
With less than 100 days until the November elections, the Republican and Democratic Parties have ramped up their attacks against the other side in hopes of gaining some political advantage – but the tactics in the 2024 cycle have been unorthodox to say the least. 
RFK Jr Defeats DNC Challenge in North Carolina to Appear on Ballot
RFK Jr Defeats DNC Challenge in North Carolina to Appear on Ballot
The North Carolina Board of Elections reversed an initial decision not to give independent candidate Robert F Kennedy's 'We the People' party ballot access in November.