
Search query: utah

Free-market capitalism betting on global warming
Free-market capitalism betting on global warming
One winter storm that hit the east coast this past winter had the anti-global warming advocates claiming victory over Al Gore and environmental groups pursuing legislative solutions to anthropogenic (...
Bountiful snowfall may not provide drought relief for California
Bountiful snowfall may not provide drought relief for California
Here in the High Sierras, winter hasn’t relinquished its hold on the atmosphere.  A snowstorm during the first week in April dumped as much white stuff on the top of cars and roofs as any this ye...
Californians rabid about sterilizing cats and dogs
Californians rabid about sterilizing cats and dogs
The most heated debate in Sacramento during the past two years hasn’t been budget cuts depriving poor children of health care or awarding billion-dollar tax breaks to corporations.  It hasn’t eve...
California ISO releases five year plan as state transitions to renewable energy
California ISO releases five year plan as state transitions to renewable energy
Most everything we do is dependent in some way upon electricity. Without it, as we’ve all discovered during blackouts, our modern life screeches to an immediate halt, affecting everything from traffic...
California climate change law may cause short-term job loss and energy cost increase
California climate change law may cause short-term job loss and energy cost increase
The independent and nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) in Sacramento says there will be some economic disruption and higher energy costs if the 2006 climate change law is implemented. ...
The great Starbucks gun debate
The great Starbucks gun debate
Starbucks, replying to a petition from a gun control group, has said it will not ban the carry of handguns in its stores, if permitted by local law. The controversy ignited in Walnut Creek, CA when me...
Winter wonderland showing promise for drought relief
Winter wonderland showing promise for drought relief
Driving around Lake Tahoe communities you see snow piled up everywhere.  Ten, twenty foot high mountains of snow that have been pushed off of streets, parking lots and driveways.  Snow is pl...
Unfunded Federal Mandates: California's budgeting nightmare
Unfunded Federal Mandates: California's budgeting nightmare
In 1995, Congress addressed this issue with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, sponsored by Republican Senator Kempthorne of Indiana and signed into law by Democratic President Bill Clinton.  The ...
Everyday is Earth Day for Sierra ski businesses
Everyday is Earth Day for Sierra ski businesses
Corporate America embraces Earth Day for its symbolism, but California’s ski industry takes its role in the protection of our planet far more seriously.  Why?  Because bumps along the Earth’...
Divorce Ban Protects Marriage, Like It or Not
Divorce Ban Protects Marriage, Like It or Not
 In a tart response to the Proposition 8 controversy, writer and web manager John Marcotte has made a tongue in cheek effort to encourage Californians in taking all measures to protect marriage, ...