
Search query: new mexico

Meet Judge Jim Gray, The Libertarian Party's VP Candidate
Meet Judge Jim Gray, The Libertarian Party's VP Candidate
Photo: facebook.com/judgejimgrayWith the "Veepstakes" over and the spotlight on Mitt Romney's newly announced running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, here's a closer look at the vice presidential candidate for...
Las Vegas Makes an End Run to Get More Colorado River Water
Las Vegas Makes an End Run to Get More Colorado River Water
Hoover Dam near Las Vegas. Credit: commons.wikimedia.orgThe politics of Colorado River water rival those of Northern Ireland and Lebanon for complexity, opaqueness to outsiders, and rivalries going b...
A Look at the Main 2012 Presidential Tickets
A Look at the Main 2012 Presidential Tickets
With Mitt Romney's VP announcement of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate, all major presidential tickets for the 2012 election cycle are now set. Democratic and Republican National Conventions will be...
4 Reasons Romney/Ryan Ticket Helps Obama; Benefits Gary Johnson
4 Reasons Romney/Ryan Ticket Helps Obama; Benefits Gary Johnson
Paul Ryan is not exactly a "small government" conservative. And he surely isn't an anti-war advocate. Not that anyone expected Mitt Romney to pick a Ron Paul-like VP choice, but Republicans may be und...
The War on Drugs, A Policeman's Perspective
The War on Drugs, A Policeman's Perspective
Press conference following a drug raid at San Diego State UniversityThe War on Drugs is a controversial issue in the 21st century. From legalizing marijuana, to opening the border between California ...
Gary Johnson Carries Ron Paul's Message into November
Gary Johnson Carries Ron Paul's Message into November
Photo: Gage SkidmoreCongressman Ron Paul (R-TX) is considered, even by his critics, one of the most consistent and outspoken advocates for personal liberty in the United States. Paul himself seems to...
Foreign Aid Spending & the US Budget
Foreign Aid Spending & the US Budget
The United States continues to lead the world in foreign aid assistance. While substantial, less than 1% of the United States’ GDP is designated to foreign aid assistance. In 2010 the United States ob...
Competition in the Age of Frenemies
Competition in the Age of Frenemies
Credit: lib.utexas.eduIdeology is being replaced by realpolitik in the world political arena, with competition and cooperation between frenemies perhaps becoming the norm. The war on terror bega...
Biometric Voter Registration: Voting Goes Scientific
Biometric Voter Registration: Voting Goes Scientific
With a lot of discussion as of late on issues surrounding voter registration laws and voter suppression in the U.S., the discussion of alternatives to improving the voting process becomes a relev...
Biometric Voter Registration (BVR): Voting Goes Scientific
Biometric Voter Registration (BVR): Voting Goes Scientific
With a lot of discussion as of late on issues surrounding voter registration laws and voter suppression in the U.S., the discussion of alternatives to improving the voting process becomes a relev...