
Search query: new jersey

Hurricane Sandy, How To Help From A Distance
Hurricane Sandy, How To Help From A Distance
Leaving close to six million residents without power and resulting in at least 85 fatalities, Hurricane Sandy continues to leave millions on the East Coast in dire need of relief. Over 250,000 cars ha...
Long Lines and Closed Polls Call for Online Voting Debate
Long Lines and Closed Polls Call for Online Voting Debate
Credit: LA TimesIt’s time to begin the discussion on how to effectively and securely host a national online election. This year America was confronted with many harsh realities about the mechanisms w...
Election Day Coverage on IVN.us
Election Day Coverage on IVN.us
[Update 8:18 PM PST]IVN.us announces Barack Obama has been re-elected to a second term.[Update 8:17 PM PST]CNN projects President Barack Obama will win re-election by taking the state of Ohio.[Update ...
In Sandy’s Wake: How To Vote in New York
In Sandy’s Wake: How To Vote in New York
Credit: NYdailynews.comBROOKLYN, NY – They say only the strong survive in New York, and nothing solidifies the motto more than the events that have occurred over the past seven days.Early last week, ...
Obama and Christie Jersey Shore Moment Less/More Than It Seems
Obama and Christie Jersey Shore Moment Less/More Than It Seems
Obama and Christie came together in New Jersey in response to the devastation of Superstorm Sandy last week.The political press was all atwitter with questions, speculation, and deep analysis about ex...
Chris Christie and Obama Put Politics Aside in Wake of Disaster
Chris Christie and Obama Put Politics Aside in Wake of Disaster
In the aftermath of the devastating Hurricane Sandy, politicos have been speculating on the effect the hurricane will have on the presidential election. Causing an estimated $50 billion in damages, th...
Latest Presidential Polls, Obama Leads in: OH, PA, FL, VA
Latest Presidential Polls, Obama Leads in: OH, PA, FL, VA
Credit: Orlando SentinelToday Quinnipiac University released their latest presidential polls showing President Obama with a healthy five point lead in the critically important state of Ohio. Pre...
The Top 5 Most Partisan Democrat Senators of 2012
The Top 5 Most Partisan Democrat Senators of 2012
Source: U.S. Senate Official PhotoIt is no secret that partisanship is more polarized than ever. From local politics to the Senators in Washington D.C., the barriers to policy making have been bolste...
Horse Meat in the US: Is Too Much Love Bad For Horses?
Horse Meat in the US: Is Too Much Love Bad For Horses?
Credit: http://pauldorpat.com/seattle-now-and-then/seattle-now-then-horse-meat-anytime/It has not been in the front news, but two weeks ago Governor Chris Christie signed a law that would p...
Why Tuesday?
Why Tuesday?
This year, it falls on November 6... which, as always, is a Tuesday.  It's Election Day.  But why does our election day fall on a Tuesday of all the days of the week?  In a time when we...