
Search query: washington

OPINION: How Independent Voters Can Stop Another Kavanaugh Circus
OPINION: How Independent Voters Can Stop Another Kavanaugh Circus
As the nation becomes increasingly polarized, the reality of politics becomes ever more obvious. Nothing illustrates that better than the recent circus (and subsequent side show) surrounding the Supre...
Sen. Rand Paul Charts Independent Course on Saudi Crisis
Sen. Rand Paul Charts Independent Course on Saudi Crisis
WASHINGTON, D.C. - What has all the appearances of a conspiracy by the Saudi government to murder a very high-profile Washington Post journalist in a Saudi embassy in Turkey, has become a tense intern...
Could A High-Speed “Rail to Nowhere” Save California's Poorest Neighborhoods?
Could A High-Speed “Rail to Nowhere” Save California's Poorest Neighborhoods?
FRESNO, CALIF. -The plan: cover one of the most destitute tracts of California’s poorest major city with a Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course and watch dust turn to dollars.But soon, funding for the p...
NEW POLL: Independent Neal Simon Up 10 Points in Maryland Senate Race
NEW POLL: Independent Neal Simon Up 10 Points in Maryland Senate Race
ROCKVILLE, MD. - Another independent candidate is gaining ground in a top-ticket statewide race in the 2018 midterms. Independent candidate Neal Simon touted the results of a new poll from Gonzal...
Three Ways Sen. Collins is Receiving Kavanaugh Vote Backlash
Three Ways Sen. Collins is Receiving Kavanaugh Vote Backlash
WASHINGTON, D.C.- Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) is now public enemy #1 as far as many Democrats are concerned.Collins, a well-known swing vote in the Senate who caucuses with the Republican Party,...
In Maine: GOP State Senator Condemns Party's Attacks Against Independent Terry Hayes
In Maine: GOP State Senator Condemns Party's Attacks Against Independent Terry Hayes
CALAIS, MAINE - Independent gubernatorial candidate Terry Hayes is currently contending with negative campaigning against her, orchestrated by the Maine Republican Party. But not all Republicans are o...
Hillary Clinton Explicitly Rejects Civility Toward Republicans
Hillary Clinton Explicitly Rejects Civility Toward Republicans
WASHINGTON, DC - Hillary Clinton told CNN's Christiane Amanpour in a televised interview Tuesday that Democrats cannot be civil with Republicans if they don't win a majority of seats in the U.S. House...
The U.S. National Debt Is Up By A Record $1.2 Trillion This Year: But Here's Why You Don't Care
The U.S. National Debt Is Up By A Record $1.2 Trillion This Year: But Here's Why You Don't Care
WASHINGTON, DC - The national debt increased by $1,271,158,167,126.72 for fiscal year 2018 according to the latest information published by the U.S. Treasury this month. (The U.S. federal government's...
Nikki Haley Leaves UN for Private Sector, Denies 2020 Ambitions
Nikki Haley Leaves UN for Private Sector, Denies 2020 Ambitions
WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Donald Trump accepted the resignation of UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Tuesday, who said in her resignation letter that she was leaving public life for the private sector.The ...
OPINION: Partisanship Has Destroyed the Judicial Nomination Process
OPINION: Partisanship Has Destroyed the Judicial Nomination Process
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Though 44 % of American voters self-identify as independents – not aligned with either party -  the American government is dominated by the two political parties. There is a gr...