
Search query: new hampshire

Republican voter dissatisfaction with GOP presidential field even higher
Republican voter dissatisfaction with GOP presidential field even higher
Another presidential primary takes place today, this time in the independent-voter rich state of Florida.  According to a survey from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released...
Voter ID a hot topic in state legislatures
Voter ID a hot topic in state legislatures
Voter turnout in the United States is disturbingly low. In the 2008 presidential election, voter turnout was higher than it had been in a generation, but barely 60% of eligible voters bothered to cast...
Despite media claims, the numbers reveal Ron Paul is electable
Despite media claims, the numbers reveal Ron Paul is electable
It has nearly become a journalistic convention to editorialize alongside any reference to Texas congressman Ron Paul that the 2012 presidential candidate is considered by many to be unelectable. Or, t...
Jeb Bush to GOP presidential candidates: Reach out to Independents
Jeb Bush to GOP presidential candidates: Reach out to Independents
As the next presidential primary contest approaches one week from today, Florida’s former governor and younger brother of President George W. Bush has a word of wisdom for the remaining four Republica...
Presidential Election 2012 Update: January 19, 2012
Presidential Election 2012 Update: January 19, 2012
A periodic review of the current presidential election campaigns:And then there were four. Just two days before the South Carolina primary, Rick Perry publicly announces his withdrawal from the race f...
Polls show Ron Paul emerging as key player in 2012 race
Polls show Ron Paul emerging as key player in 2012 race
A new poll finds that a third-party bid by presidential hopeful Ron Paul would help re-elect president Obama, but not before taking away 9% of the President's independent support and 17% of independen...
This could be California's driest year on record
This could be California's driest year on record
The Sierras have had practically no snow this year. Lake Tahoe, which relies on skiing for income, has no ski areas operating at full capacity. Some only have 30% of their lifts open. Last year, they ...
Tea Party Republicans well-informed about GOP presidential field
Tea Party Republicans well-informed about GOP presidential field
Tea Party Republicans, and even Republican-leaning Independents, know more about the current GOP presidential candidates than Republican voters who disagree with or have no opinion of the Tea Party mo...
California's central role in the Republican presidential primary
California's central role in the Republican presidential primary
It's a much different electoral landscape in 2012 for the Republican Party.  It's a landscape in which California plays a central role in the presidential nominating process, not because its prim...
Independents & Moderates Will Chose Which Republicans Emerge From New Hampshire
Independents & Moderates Will Chose Which Republicans Emerge From New Hampshire
Independents & Moderates Will Chose Which Republicans Emerge From New Hampshireologypolitics:The voting has already begun in New Hampshire, the nation’s first primary election, and history has sho...