
Search query: missouri

Politicians & Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Politicians & Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
The overwhelmingly popular emergence of social media has created an additional layer of transparency in the political world. Facebook and Twitter, two of the most popular social networking sites, have...
Ron Paul Delegate Count Rises from Romney Missteps and Frivolous Lawsuit
Ron Paul Delegate Count Rises from Romney Missteps and Frivolous Lawsuit
Last week, IVN commented on a lawsuit brought by alleged delegates to the Republican National Convention. The Republican National Committee, while stating that suit was frivolous at the same time orga...
Dana Milbank's Selective Outrage Is About Partisan Bias, Not Presidential Dignity
Dana Milbank's Selective Outrage Is About Partisan Bias, Not Presidential Dignity
As non sequiturs go, Dana Milbank's selective outrage in his June 19 editorial, "Debasing the Presidency" may go down as one of the great howlers in journalism history.Published in my paper on Friday,...
The American System
The American System
He came up with what he called the American System.  His name was Henry Clay of Kentucky.  In 1806, Henry Clay was elected to the US Senate by the Kentucky legislature.  At which, he se...
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul \Looking for a Platform Fight\
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul \Looking for a Platform Fight\
In light of former Senator Rick Santorum's recent comments on ABC's This Week, it is clear GOP social conservatives are becoming increasingly worried about the presence, and power, of Dr. Ron Paul at ...
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul "Looking for a Platform Fight"
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul "Looking for a Platform Fight"
In light of former Senator Rick Santorum's recent comments on ABC's This Week, it is clear GOP social conservatives are becoming increasingly worried about the presence, and power, of Dr. Ron Paul at ...
Barack Obama Birth Certificate
Barack Obama Birth Certificate
It’s the conspiracy theory that simply refuses to go away. Thanks to Donald Trump, and politicos on both sides of the aisle- who can’t seem to turn down a moment in the spotlight- President Barack Oba...
Implications of Wisconsin's Recall Election
Implications of Wisconsin's Recall Election
Wisconsin has been on a serious decline in union members for a few years now. Last year set a record low at 13.3%. As Business Week reports:"The unions are dinosaurs and a meteor just hit the Earth," ...
GOP Primary Proves Establishment Can No Longer Ignore Paul Supporters
GOP Primary Proves Establishment Can No Longer Ignore Paul Supporters
While the mainstream media has Governor Mitt Romney’s nomination as a lock, Dr. Ron Paul continues to accumulate delegates at a healthy pace. So many delegates, in fact, the Republican parties in more...
Alternative Candidates in Majority of Gov, Senate & House Races
Alternative Candidates in Majority of Gov, Senate & House Races
One of the most enduring myths in US politics is the assertion that there are no alternatives to the candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties. Many would-be voters who are fed up with the f...